Random NYSkiBlog Stuff That You Might Not Care About

Harvey, this forum is a godsend. It has become the first or second page I hit in the morning, after checking my local weather. I love the off-topic pages and to see what ScottySkis has had for lunch! I just realized that there is a weather page.
I'd like to get to 2000 blog subscribers by the end of the year. Currently at 1390.

Turns out I can see who's ignoring who. It's a short list.

Somebody is ignoring @NYSkiBlog. What did he ever do? :LOL:
I'd like to get to 2000 blog subscribers by the end of the year. Currently at 1390.

I’d have my son and daughter subscribe (they are both skiers).....but you yelled at my when I did so during your ski giveaway (so they unsubscribed). ??
You really want to revisit that? I'd forgotten about it, but remember it clearly.
Yeah, I’ll revisit that. All day long.

I’m still offended that you thought I was stuffing the box. I guess you really don’t want subscribers, either that or my kids aren’t as deserving of the chance of winning a pair of skis as anyone else?

Wether it was me, or one of my kids, who ski, it would have been nice to have the same chance as anyone else to not have to buy another pair. I assume anyone here can surmise that I don’t have a problem buying myself new equipment. I don’t need to stuff your stupid box.

Sheesh. I’ll never forget it, either....and I don’t appreciate what I’m perceiving as attitude.

Believe whatever you want. So much for putting up a trip report....