Question for Single Mountain Season Pass Holders

No knuckledraggers. Make them go to Canada for healthcare and sliding
"ABasin lost money" is a flippant way to put it, since they are a big cog in a "resort development" company. And "resort development"and ski hill revenue was hammered last year when March went poof, so, earnings reports after the break from Vail and the capital spent to open the Beavers may not be typical. New Pallavacini chair, too. Transitioning, then, Covid. Wait a few years. I'm pretty sure that ABasin wants to be a niche, non corporate mountain (parking can never be expanded, new Pallavacini chair still a double) in this new world of mega pass pricing, like MRG and some savvy small eastern and western hills. I know I'm pretty disgusted at what those passes have wrought, and I'm definitely part of the problem. Maybe a time will come when ABasin can just raise prices to increase revenue, selling the superior experience. I'd pay it, if I lived there.
I mean, Windham gets away with charging, what, three times as much as Hunter, a few miles away. And Windham kinda sucks, skiing wise, especially compared to Hunter on a good day. But the experience is so much above hanging with the mooks at Huntah, I understand how Lexus mom and dad want that over being at Hunter.
Not being flippant about it, they lost money, according to them on their financial report, just reporting what they stated. They lost money before the shutdown. Then the shutdown, then this year is probably a loss also, like at most places.
I’m still a fan of the Freedom Pass model. An old fashioned season pass with reciprocal privileges at some like minded resorts. If Plattekill were on the Indy Pass, the add-on option would be a no brainer.
Doug fish of the Indy pass, says models like freedom pass are money losers for their members
Looks like 12-to-1 in favor of independence, so far.
I say we all go free ski independently without our dependants
Seems the independent should hike their price.

Clearly we are in the minority.
