Question for Single Mountain Season Pass Holders

We had lunch at Trax today. Talking with some folks who have worked there for years, they all said this is the best year they've ever had. Sold 1100 night tickets alone last Wednesday night.
Another shout out for the Independent ski area. F the big boy conglomerates.
Chair 5 at the bottom of Sundown. Only way out of the back bowls at that point. Brilliant area management by the geniuses at Vail, again. I'm a bit astounded at wtf the management at Hunter is thinking these days, too. Why ar they allowing Westway to grow back in, like an old abandoned ski area? But, hey, it's Vail.
Maybe they are going to let 44 grow in and then cut 2 new trails with lots of glades. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
They could rename the trails 22L and 22R.
I have a lot of thoughts on this right now.

I keep telling myself that the phenomenon we are seeing this year is mainly due to covid but I’m still worried.

Our little area here is more crowded then I’ve ever seen. We may not be ikon or epic but it’s the best offering for one of the countries largest population centers. Having Purgatory on our pass definitely makes a season pass here more attractive.

I’m pretty much done for the year. My injury from over a month ago is still giving me a lot of aches and pain. The mountain has been such a total shit show that I don’t want to be there. It’s stressful. I was hit by a snowboarder last week. He blamed me for stopping in front of him. There was plenty of room between us but he didn’t have control. When I tried explaining the skiers responsibility code his girlfriend said that all kinds of people were hitting each other and that was just the way it is. That’s the mentality we have here now with the young college aged crowd. It’s a bummer but right now I can have a much more enjoyable time wandering around the desert and being at work doing trail stuff.

I have a buddy from Jackson that just arrived. He’s been living there since my first season there 23 years ago. He said on average the visiting skier is getting 3 tram laps worth of vertical in a day. That’s shit. I don’t care how good a mountain may be, spending most of your ski day in a line sucks and I can think of much better ways to recreate.

There’s too many people now. When I left New Jersey in 94 the first thing I noticed about living in the west was how much better the quality of life was due to having so fewer people around. That’s unfortunately changing in western mountain towns. There’s already climate refugees fleeing California to work remotely and live their dream in places like Jackson which is driving rental prices through the roof and filling lift line mazes.

Too. Many. People.
I’m sorry you were hit. That sucks. Unfortunately I think it’s only going to get worse. Even Alaska is getting crowded.
When I tried explaining the skiers responsibility code his girlfriend said that all kinds of people were hitting each other and that was just the way it is.

I am very curious to know skier visit numbers for this year. Especially for a place like Gore. Limits on weekends and much busier on weekdays, from what I am hearing.

Does it seem possible that mega-passes are increasing visitation or just moving it around? Probably have to see what next year brings as this year (hopefully) isn't indicative of the future.
I’m sorry you were hit. That sucks. Unfortunately I think it’s only going to get worse. Even Alaska is getting crowded.
Thanks. I was fine.

if this is what the future of the sport looks like I’m out. Walking and riding around the desert is so much easier and besides, I’m sick of the cold anyways.