A few pages back somebody gave me credit for my investment in Plattekill. Putting aside my belief that Plattekill should be supported just because, there are some advantages.
I've got three days to ski, leaving early tomorrow. With Ski3 and Plattekill passes in my bag I still haven't totally decided how those days are going to shake out. For Tuesday, right now, it looks like an advantage to make the call Monday night. No reservations weighing me down, Plattekill, Belle, Gore and Whiteface all on the table just hours before departure.
I've had two reservations this season — McCauley and Snow Ridge — they weren't hard to get. I'm hoping there will be more. Oak is on my mind. Song, Lab and/or Tog are going to be tougher, but we'll see. Would like to hit at least one.
Next year I hope we'll be back to normal, and I'll just keep doing what I do. The same thing I did this year. When I retire in 3 years it will be SANY Gold Pass all the way. Planning a world tour. The world of NY.