Question for Single Mountain Season Pass Holders

Do you have a link to their financial statement?
No, but if you read the financials of their parent company, it’s a Canadian company, Toronto based I think, the earnings report before the COVID 19 shut down, abasin lost money, haven’t analyzed one since, be shocked if COVID 19 increased earnings
The pricing today the boy scouts may pay more. These mountains not making money... That pre or post covid money?
This year nobody is making money, rentals are off, food and beverage is off,lodging is off, lift tickets may be full price but aren’t ski areas limiting tickets?
No f**king way I want my mountains to join any megapass deal. I deliberately choose the SKI3 and Plattekill because they are not on any of those stupid passes. I'm not a skiing on the cheap kind of guy. So you can keep those megapasses and if any of my current mountains decide to join one I won't ski there anymore.
Isn’t the ski3 a super pass?
No, but if you read the financials of their parent company, it’s a Canadian company, Toronto based I think, the earnings report before the COVID 19 shut down, abasin lost money, haven’t analyzed one since, be shocked if COVID 19 increased earnings
"ABasin lost money" is a flippant way to put it, since they are a big cog in a "resort development" company. And "resort development"and ski hill revenue was hammered last year when March went poof, so, earnings reports after the break from Vail and the capital spent to open the Beavers may not be typical. New Pallavacini chair, too. Transitioning, then, Covid. Wait a few years. I'm pretty sure that ABasin wants to be a niche, non corporate mountain (parking can never be expanded, new Pallavacini chair still a double) in this new world of mega pass pricing, like MRG and some savvy small eastern and western hills. I know I'm pretty disgusted at what those passes have wrought, and I'm definitely part of the problem. Maybe a time will come when ABasin can just raise prices to increase revenue, selling the superior experience. I'd pay it, if I lived there.
I mean, Windham gets away with charging, what, three times as much as Hunter, a few miles away. And Windham kinda sucks, skiing wise, especially compared to Hunter on a good day. But the experience is so much above hanging with the mooks at Huntah, I understand how Lexus mom and dad want that over being at Hunter.
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This year nobody is making money, rentals are off, food and beverage is off,lodging is off, lift tickets may be full price but aren’t ski areas limiting tickets?
Not sure what you're seeing at other areas, but Bristol has been pretty busy-enough so I stay away weekends. Their reservations for Saturday and Sunday mornings along with Saturday nights are usually sold out and I've seen a ton of rental skis and paper tickets during the week. I've heard stories of in season pass purchases so that people can avoid the tickets lines (no reservations required for season pass holders). I think overall they are having a good year.
I think that this year is finally proving that the mega multi resort pass is a failure. The crowd issues are pretty bad at Ikon hills, and Epic hills arent far behind.
I don’t think most businesses consider crowds to be a problem. Gore is very crowded, midweek. I don’t think that’s a failure.

back to the point, I’d prefer a multi hill pass. I’d still ski most days at gore but options are nice.

I don't have many years left skiing, so, the less mooks, the better. And Park rats. No Park rats. Maybe even snowboarders. Well, ok, a few. Non Mook snowboarders.
I don’t think most businesses consider crowds to be a problem. Gore is very crowded, midweek. I don’t think that’s a failure.

back to the point, I’d prefer a multi hill pass. I’d still ski most days at gore but options are nice.

It's exactly why ABasin pulled out from Epic. Crowds.