Protect The Adirondacks

There's already a trail. They want to make it better. But no, brush is in the way. So now we'll continue to have carbon spewing sleds rip thru the interior of the forest, instead of out closer to the road. The current trail system can not be taken away. so there's that.
I get it, it’s frustrating when seemingly small details get in the way of things others think are important. But the devil is always in the details, and laws should be upheld….or changed. In this case the law was on Bauer’s side, frustrating as that may be. Other than to say this….that I’m sure there is some instance related to something for all of us (even if it doesn’t matter to someone else) where we are happy to have a watch dog on our side…..I’ll stop being an obstructionist dick about this now!
.I’ll stop being an obstructionist dick about this now!
You aren't
Definitions are getting in the way, not laws.
Timber is what you build a house out of. Would you even build a lean-to out of 3" and less diameter brush? I wouldn't.
I'm not going to weigh into whatever this particular fight is about, but this exact kind of thinking is why our planet is in trouble. Do only cattle ranchers who live in the Amazon get to decide how the land gets used? How about miners on what was once pristine mountain peaks? Or a few locals employed by Big Oil in the arctic? The earth is a shared resource that benefits everyone, and just cause you may live near one particular resource doesn't mean you get to call all the shots about it.
If ya think ya own yer land, try not paying yer property taxes...
These 2 faced fuks are all for improving hiking trails, trails that have incredibly more erosion than any snowmobile trail. That's all people are asking for. A new snowmobile trail that will have a huge positive economic impact, be safer, and moved from the interior of the forest to the exterior.
Hey Peter Bauer
These 2 faced fuks are all for improving hiking trails, trails that have incredibly more erosion than any snowmobile trail. That's all people are asking for. A new snowmobile trail that will have a huge positive economic impact, be safer, and moved from the interior of the forest to the exterior.
Hey Peter Bauer