Protect The Adirondacks

I guess they would only be happy if they could close down all 6 million acres and kick everybody out of the park.
You nailed it with this one!!!!
Protect has ZERO interest in the people who actually live inside the blue line. Their actions regarding the connector snowmobile trail that even DEC approved is proof of that. Their obstruction group is nothing more than that. The trail would not only be a massive increase in business for small towns inside the blueline but would also be better for the interior of the forest. Gawd, if my grandfather were still alive he'd be SO pissed!!! Guess I'll have to do it for him ;)
He is honestly against any development in the park. He told me anything that comes up in the park they automatically fight against it. It's what they do. I nicely declined to do any work for him.
Pete made a movie last year.
Talk about missing the point!

Bauer (and PROTECT) may be an obstructionist turd….but it doesn’t mean that what they are asking in that letter is necessarily wrong.

Yes, there has been mountain biking for 25 years. It obviously got thru last time, these changes probably will too. Of course, that letter didn’t say “no mountain biking”… said “tell us more about what you are doing, exactly” as part of the oversight/approval process.

But I guess many of you are all for letting anyone do anything they want without any oversight?
Talk about missing the point!

Bauer (and PROTECT) may be an obstructionist turd….but it doesn’t mean that what they are asking in that letter is necessarily wrong.

Yes, there has been mountain biking for 25 years. It obviously got thru last time, these changes probably will too. Of course, that letter didn’t say “no mountain biking”… said “tell us more about what you are doing, exactly” as part of the oversight/approval process.

But I guess many of you are all for letting anyone do anything they want without any oversight?
There are plenty of checks and balances on both the local and state level. What's not needed is an obstruction group that talks out of both sides of their mouth.
There are plenty of checks and balances on both the local and state level. What's not needed is an obstruction group that talks out of both sides of their mouth.
There are no checks and balances unless someone is paying attention.

PROTECT may be an obstructionist PITA, but they will at least make ORDA explain the reasons for what they are doing, Unless you are willing to participate in the process with enough effort to be effective, you probably shouldn't criticize those who do.

There are no checks and balances unless someone is paying attention.
DEC, and local governments are paying attention. You know, like those who actually live in the ADk and know what's best for them. Not a bunch of city folk who have no clue what it's like to live there. All they care about is making sure their summer homes are cared for.
DEC, and local governments are paying attention. You know, like those who actually live in the ADk and know what's best for them. Not a bunch of city folk who have no clue what it's like to live there. All they care about is making sure their summer homes are cared for.
You can't count on DEC or local government to pay attention to everything. IME (which is extensive) regulatory agencies generally identify the public interest as identical to the interests of those they are charged with regulating. They amount of effort it takes to get agencies to address the issues important to small groups (like mountain bikers or snow mobilers or expert skiers) is considerable. You can always complain about what they do, but that's always too late. They'll just issue a self-serving press release about how they solved the problem, but in reality nothing will change.
You should be grateful that anyone is paying attention, even if you don't agree with their positions. PROTECT won't keep biking out of Whiteface, but maybe DEC willl take another look at over use issues like erosion or hiker/biker accidents. The extreme stuff gets batted down pretty easily. Maybe it would be better if everyone paid attention, but that's up to you.
