Protect The Adirondacks

I'm not going to weigh into whatever this particular fight is about, but this exact kind of thinking is why our planet is in trouble. Do only cattle ranchers who live in the Amazon get to decide how the land gets used? How about miners on what was once pristine mountain peaks? Or a few locals employed by Big Oil in the arctic? The earth is a shared resource that benefits everyone, and just cause you may live near one particular resource doesn't mean you get to call all the shots about it.
Gotta keep an eye on those dang hillbillies.
Stupidity is something I'm far from grateful for
Again, this group, and other like them, have zero interest in the people who live in the ADK. They like to pound their chests and call themselves tall. That's what they do.
I have deep family roots in the ADK and none of them have ever been in favor of PROTECT.
Let me ask you this ----- what's your definition of timber?
So your argument is ad hominem attacks (including calling them stupid) and changing the subject to the definition of timber. None of that is persuasive or useful for DEC policy making.

This is why we need more zip lines. We can soar above the timber without cutting it down.
Camp, if your intent is to paint Bauer and PROTECT as bad guys you aren’t doing a very good job.

A bunch of towns, in cahoots with the DEC and snowmobile association, try to push through a bunch of snowmobile connector trails that they knew would run afoul of the law…..and Bauer is the bad guy because PROTECT sued to stop the illegal tree cutting and won????

Some in this case might say Bauer is the good guy, more interested in protecting the protected environment over recreational interests.

What am I missing?
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For the record….I’m more devil’s advocate here than anything else

Although I haven’t yet seen a clear devil in the current examples.

I might actually like expansion of mountain biking trails at WF. It could very well give me more things to explore in the woods on skis!

Likewise, a bunch of snowmobile connector trails through the woods wouldn’t impact me directly. Maybe a bunch of loud, whining, carbon emissions spouting snowmobiles crisscrossing the proposed areas wouldn’t have impacted anybody else either.

However, we have laws for a reason. Those who seek to uphold such laws are the bad guys, if it makes one group or another unhappy?
So your argument is ad hominem attacks (including calling them stupid) and changing the subject to the definition of timber. None of that is persuasive or useful for DEC policy making.
I didn't change the subject to timber, Protect did. Protect and numerous other conservative groups all agreed the new snowmobile trail was a good idea. What they want to do is abandon a trail that is on the interior of the forest and cut a new trail on the edge of the forest to connect multiple small towns in the ADK. This trail would bring much needed wintertime economic boost to these towns. Town supervisors, DEC, Protect, etc were all on board. Last minute Protect steps in as claims the trail can not be cut due to the amount of "timber" that was to be cut. Nothing would be cut greater than 3" in diameter. Three friggin inches and smaller, that's called brush. If it's not than I need to get a logger to come to my house so I can cash in on all of my "timber".

So yes, anyone who calls, or attempts, to call brush, timber, I'll call them stupid.
Again, city people putting themselves, their wants, and ideas before those who will directly benefit from this trail I'll fight against.
Camp, if your intent is to paint Bauer and PROTECT as bad guys you aren’t doing a very good job.
They may be good guys, but they're clueless. Did you read the article I linked too? They're full of false promises and only have their agenda in mind. Sustaining those who live in the ADK? They don't give 2 fks about that. That's my issue.
Likewise, a bunch of snowmobile connector trails through the woods wouldn’t impact me directly. Maybe a bunch of loud, whining, carbon emissions spouting snowmobiles crisscrossing the proposed areas wouldn’t have impacted anybody else either.

However, we have laws for a reason. Those who seek to uphold such laws are the bad guys, if it makes one group or another unhappy?
There's already a trail. They want to make it better. But no, brush is in the way. So now we'll continue to have carbon spewing sleds rip thru the interior of the forest, instead of out closer to the road. The current trail system can not be taken away. so there's that.
I think the difficulties go all the way back the fact that NYS decided to draw the park boundaries in a way that put thousands of people and a great deal of private property inside the park and that many activities which were allowed in the past are now claimed to be illegal based on new interpretations of old laws. Parks aren’t supposed to have towns and highways and ski resorts inside them.