Post Your Camp Pics

Those were the only shots I got. Not easy to capture it, its a rerouted driveway that is maybe half cleared. My lawn mower wouldn't start so I spent most of the day weedwhacking 2 foot tall grass. o_O

I wasn't really expecting anyone to get much out of it beyond, hey we are digging. For me it was pretty cool to see after 25 years.

Far more interesting pics coming tomorrow.
My lawn mower wouldn't start so I spent most of the day weedwhacking 2 foot tall grass. o_O

I wasn't really expecting anyone to get much out of it beyond, hey we are digging.
Digging is good for ya.
Weedwacking sucks.
Be careful not to whack any poison ivy.
Just getting over a bit of it.
Looking forward to follow your progress, Harv.

We're in a holding pattern.
Was only liking the first part. Hope all is ok.

There is something I like about doing the excavation a few years in advance. Going to be some good stargazing the next few years.
My lawn mower wouldn't start so I spent most of the day weedwhacking 2 foot tall grass. o_O
It’s very important to not leave any bare soils during excavation. It’s an invitation for unwanted weeds, quite possibly invasive ones that will be hard to control in the future. Throw down “No Mow” fescue blend from Prairie Nursery in areas that will be lawn. Check out Ernst for native seed and conservation mixes. Use chopped straw and erosion jute net to keep things in place. It will take some work now but it will save you a huge battle down the road.
I think it's too late. I had a perfect lawn UNTIL I paid a commercial operator to mow. It's all weeds now.
Oh yes, no worries. We still are tossing around the idea of buying vs adding on. Nice thing is we aren't in a hurry and love where we are now.
We were in the same boat until we went thru the exercise of plans/variances/quotes for a small addition and found out is is way cheaper to move and still stay within 5 miles of our house. The price to build on was over $400/sq ft. o_O