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The price to build on was over $400/sq ft. o_O
That would make the decision easy for me as well. My wife (me too) really love the view from our current house but with everything so darn expensive right now we haven't really dived into it.
It’s very important to not leave any bare soils during excavation. It’s an invitation for unwanted weeds, quite possibly invasive ones that will be hard to control in the future. Throw down “No Mow” fescue blend from Prairie Nursery in areas that will be lawn. Check out Ernst for native seed and conservation mixes. Use chopped straw and erosion jute net to keep things in place. It will take some work now but it will save you a huge battle down the road.
Yeah, unfortunately many people don’t know or care about these things.
Serious question
Why should people (me) care about weeds getting into my lawn. I live in farm country and don't see how I could even begin to keep them out.
Come down to eastern pa and see the japanese stilt grass and autumn olive and you'll care alright