Post Your Camp Pics

Come down to eastern pa and see the japanese stilt grass and autumn olive and you'll care alright
We’ve been battling that and Artemisia. Most recently it’s been mile-a-minute vine.
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I admit I had no idea hiring a person to cut my lawn was going to result in total weeds. Almost no grass left at all.

My ultimate goal is to have a little grass as possible. On the septic field and a few other small places.
I'm just gonna do some thread drift here. No camp pics, but my life is transitioning and I'll be moving to the north country. Went to look at apartments in Budd Lake to tide me over for the move. On the phone, they quoted me $1550. The follow up email, it was $1680. Went to look at the apartment today , it was $1750. But if I wanted it for a short term lease, $2900 a month.

What a f'n shell game.
I'm just gonna do some thread drift here. No camp pics, but my life is transitioning and I'll be moving to the north country. Went to look at apartments in Budd Lake to tide me over for the move. On the phone, they quoted me $1550. The follow up email, it was $1680. Went to look at the apartment today , it was $1750. But if I wanted it for a short term lease, $2900 a month.

What a f'n shell game.
With those prices I bet you're ready to move north!
Good luck in your move.