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There will be no vehicle until I move up here and have a garage for it.

The trail back to that stuff would have to be widened a lot for a tractor.

I think today we decided this is the way to go:

There will be no vehicle until I move up here and have a garage for it.

The trail back to that stuff would have to be widened a lot for a tractor.

I think today we decided this is the way to go:

Wait for the electric one
I think when I retire the waiting is over.
It’s coming this December. Will you be done by then? I have an electric groundskeeper golf cart and I love it. It’s a tool box on wheels. No maintenance.
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Thanks to @Cork for helping make quick work of 7 or 10 blowdowns. You can see a few in the background. We decided to ride under the one in front for a while. Most of them were hung up in one way or another.

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Mommas Marsh
There will be no vehicle until I move up here and have a garage for it.

The trail back to that stuff would have to be widened a lot for a tractor.

I think today we decided this is the way to go:

Excellent choice of UTV. I have a 2016 with 3000 miles on it and still going strong. I got mine with a roof, under seat storage box, front and rear windshields, and a winch. I wish I had spent the money and gotten the glass windshields vs the plexiglass as the plexiglass is now all scratched up. I also wish I had gotten the windshield wiper and power steering, which I'm about ready to add to mine. You'll enjoy it.