Post Your Camp Pics

For years, I’ve had an idea in my head to try something like that with landscaping timbers. I figure I could notch and cut everything in the back yard, transport it on a trailer and set it up in one day. I guess I just need the time and a bit of land to drop it on.
That is so much fun. That guy was good with a chain saw. It needs a bed I think.

One of my best friend's family built this cabin in the middle of 30 acres in Susquehanna County, PA. I've been going up there since I was 16 and have had many great times there. We would ski at Greek Peak from there to avoid the crowds in the Poconos. I helped with a lot of the work on the newer section on the right. Wood stove for heat and there is a cistern system for water that has to be drained in the winter, Spent 6 weekends there this past summer/fall doing all kinds of maintenance work and playing some golf nearby. Work hard. Play hard.
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Hunting camp or dog house-think we spend more time drinking and playing poker then anything. No running water or electricity but do have outhouse. Been a staple for about 6 of us for years come October.
No poker at our camp, we play pitch. Drinking, yes. We have a generator for electricity and gravity fed spring water, which is nice.
You guys have a good start to the season? We're seeing deer like the old days this year. Best start for us in a long time.
No poker at our camp, we play pitch. Drinking, yes. We have a generator for electricity and gravity fed spring water, which is nice.
You guys have a good start to the season? We're seeing deer like the old days this year. Best start for us in a long time.
We play a fair amount of pitch midday. Funny what you say about the deer this season, it’s been years since I’ve seen so many deer in the fields. Been hearing a lot less coyotes this year, sure that’s got something to do with it. We’ve taken 4 so far but like I said we don’t hunt hard anymore.
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A comment by @MikePom on our front page got me thinking.

I love seeing photos of camps. Not a three bedroom 2 bath house in the mountains, but a camp. Something, by my definition, that is simple and for MOST people isn't likely to be enough to live long term. Hunting camp, skiing camp whatever you got.

If you feel like it, tell us a little something about it, maybe where it is (generally), how many square feet why you love it or what you think about it.

Ours, above, is old news, most of you have probably seen that shot, but I included it for stoke and to encourage you to post yours. It's 250 square feet, if you include the loft. When we built it, the only "utility" was an out house and a woodstove. Now it has two 15 amp electric circuits which we use for light, and we can get away with a space heater if it's not too cold. Full disclosure, we have another temporary building which we added when my daughter was born with full utilities, it is where I hope to put our house.

What do you got?
Harvey - seen pics of your place here on NYSB over the years, always thought it was a cool little build, but always curious what the inside layout is like. Have any interior pics you'd be willing to share? Would be interested in seeing what can be accomplished on a simple design like that.
