New Member Intro

Oh, I count 1 run as a ski day if there's uphill involved!

The avatar is a photo I took out the window of a bus on the way to Niseko in 2019. It was my first time in Japan. I was back just before the pandemic in 2020 but had to cancel trips in 2021 and now 2022. It's the last place I've skied besides WF! Looking forward to getting back there when things calm down. Super fun skiing but to be honest it's the whole experience that I really loved, especially the food!
Hi all, I have only been reading the blog for about a year so I'm fresh. I mostly ski mornings at WF. Last year I got in 60+ days but I'm counting a day as anything over 4 runs. Now that I'm not working from home it will be more of a challenge to get in as many days but I aim to try. I am originally from the west and have been skiing many years. We usually get in 2-3 trips away from the East Coast each year. I cannot express how psyched I am for the new season.
4 runs are better than none, that counts in my book! 60+ days and 2-3 trips out west, super jealous. Welcome!
4 runs are better than none, that counts in my book! 60+ days and 2-3 trips out west, super jealous. Welcome!
Thank you for the warm welcome! We didn't ski anywhere but WF and the toll road last year but hopefully this year things are a little closer to normal.
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Gore is a great favorite to have, there is a lot to ski there on a good day.

I thought we had a ride share thread, but maybe that was the "old forum." Could be worth starting.

Welcome Teppaz.
A ride-share thread is a great idea. I’m happy to help with gas/tolls/driving — and of course company when we’re stuck in the inevitable traffic!
Hi I've been "lurking" this forum off an on for while - I am also on AZ and PASR. Mostly ski in PA but we get up north when we can, and usually that means NY (Gore and Plattekill are awesome). We XC ski when we can but those opportunities can be rare around here in Lancaster county - last year was a good snow year, ~50 days of snow coverage rather than zero the year before! I also started telemarking last year and definitely hope to get much better at it.
@abe welcome! let me know if we get enough snow and want to schwack around the hills and woods of pa (I'm mbike-ski on PASR). Seems to be a few new peeyay peeps here this year
I'll let you know! I've been looking at getting skins for my tele skis so I can hit the steeper stuff more easily (not that it's generally super steep around here lol)
Hello all! You may or may not recognize me from Alpine Zone. I already recognized a few names from over there. Honestly, I haven't been over there much at all recently. Anyway I'm a skier from Long Island. I always had a passion for Winter Sports and going fast lol I learned to ski in Jr. HS via bus trips to the Catskills and Berkshires and have been hooked ever since.
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Hey folks, I’m a new member and new skier as well.

Started with a lesson last January at Maple Ski Ridge to be able to chase my boys around the hill and haven’t been able to stop since. Early season skiing this year has had me at Gore, Whiteface and now West (where we have passes and are doing lessons this year).

Thanks for the informative posts and insight into the local mountains!