Market Philosophy

I am not naturally a guy who like to "make picks."
Pick the things that you spend money on. I go to Target a lot. Target pays a decent dividend. So I buy Target.

Just do this with 10 companies that are somewhat diversified (maybe a utility company, maybe a chip manufacturer, etc.) and all of a sudden, you have a dividend producing portfolio of individual stocks.

Or, just buy VYM & VYMI
Screen Shot 2022-07-05 at 1.03.35 PM.png

They don't last too long, but the average drop is quite a bit more than where we are now.

Hoping the timing works out ok for me.
Ha just saw this:

SKI = Spend Kids Inheritance

As if. Like.
Don’t invest in fraudulent NJ sammiches either ...
"These schemes included artificially inflating the share price of Hometown International, which operated a New Jersey deli producing less than $40,000 in annual revenue, from approximately $1 per share in October 2019 to nearly $14 per share by April 2021, leading to a grossly inflated market capitalization of $100 million."
The market it mysterious to me.

Down a bunch more today because the jobs report was better than expected, which investors think will lead to more spending/inflationary pressure, and further rises in interest rates.


Would the market be up with a bad jobs report? Somehow I doubt it.
Another day I just don't understand. A really bad inflation number and the DJ drops 500 and then gains 1500 (or whatever).

Unemployment I get the ambiguousness. Some think the unemployment is too low, some think zero unemployment is great. But who thinks record high inflation is good for future earnings? Somebody was buying. Theories on why?
Fair warning, I'm no expert on the stock market. In my uneducated opinion, the market dislikes low unemployment because it can't suppress wages and give more money to shareholders. The market doesn't like the way the Fed has raised interest rates because the cost of borrowing is now higher than it's been in the last several years.
Credit Suisse appears to be in a bit of trouble.
Article says the looking to sell some “securitized” stuff and Apollo Global Management might come to the rescue.
Apollo's the company Bobby Katz of Vail Resorts Inc worked for after he left Drexel Burnham and then Smith Barney.
It’s a big club and I ain’t init.
“Retail investors” (normal people) are doing what they usually do (getting spooked by market losses & pulling their money out). I think this should be considered a bullish sign: