Market Philosophy

The rate hike, as always, was well advertised in advance, I assume to try to smooth out the impact.

Market moves never surprise me.

I guess I assumed it would drive the market down, not up. It's actually a more sane reaction than I expected. I guess when unemployment is basically zero the market likes it.

What time today was the hike announced?
Average returns invested in the s&p over a year after it enters bear market 22.8.
Average returns invested in the s&p over a year after it enters bear market 22.8.
Well established. But what are average returns on the day of a rate hike?

(Sincere question, I couldn't find the answer.)
Look for one to two more .75 increases by Labor Dayv
Well, I didn't see that coming.
This (today) is what I expected.

It's not hard to understand the long term performance of the markets. Even the medium term usually makes sense to me. They day to day is another thing all together.
My wife has wanted to buy individual stocks for a long time. I have been resisting.

Been thinking more about retirement and how you structure accounts and withdrawals to minimize tax. I was reading an article about what kinds of investments make sense in a taxable account. These seem to include, but not limited to:

Money Market Fund
Tax Free Bonds
Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund
Total Stock Market Index
Total Stock Market ETF
Individual Stocks

I digress. Our money is half hers and she lets me decide almost everything regarding investing. (Spending is a different story.) Maybe it's time to give a little.

I thought, maybe we each pick one stock, invest a small amount and hold "forever."

She wants to buy Tesla,. She thinks Elon is kind of a nut, but gives him credit for showing the world, it can be done. She wants to buy TEN shares of Tesla. (Um yikes?) I told her that she owns a lot of Tesla in her Total Stock Market Fund. It's in the top ten by market cap. To her that is not nearly as fun as owning an individual stock.

Never thought I'd ever utter these words but, what does anyone like for an individual buy/hold stock? Reasons?
about a 1.5 yrs ago my wife started buying dividend producing stocks.. Quality companies, not looking to make money on the stock per se..

we will buy some crypto soon too, not much but some
What does your wife buy for dividends?

Not touching crypto.