Market Philosophy

I stay away from individual stocks. I used to work for a division of Total (the big French oil company). We were offered stock options at 15% below trading price. I thought that was a no brainer. It was trading in the $90's and I was paying in the $70's. Today it's trading at $53. I still get a small dividend check every quarter but I should have sold it, took the loss, and reinvested the money somewhere else years ago.
But on the other had; If $6800 goes to $0, is that really going to change your whole retirement that much? I'm guessing it's a small percentage of your retirement fund.
If it ever does lose a lot of value, just NEVER say to her, "I told you so." ;)
we own Pfizer/Verizon/Abbot...etc
If $6800 goes to $0, is that really going to change your whole retirement that much?
I'm assuming 6800 is an estimate for ten shares of Tesla. In my mind that is too much.

I am not naturally a guy who like to "make picks."
about a 1.5 yrs ago my wife started buying dividend producing stocks.. Quality companies, not looking to make money on the stock per se..

we will buy some crypto soon too, not much but some
Stay away from crypto. I looked into it and the one question that convinced me stay away was, "What problem does it solve?"
Other than money laundering.....nothing. There is no "there" there.
Well. That question and when I saw it being sold at mini markets.o_O I thought I would be better with the scratch-offs that they sell and I don't buy them either. ;)
I don't understand crypto. Looks like a pyramid scheme.