ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

Guys, I did my kind of test drive today. It was insane. Here are the highlights:

All - I had my test drive today. Summary: This thing is going to be worth the wait. Here are my impressions:

-Insane performance. I am coming from a 2011 Honda CRV. I drove on Ocean Parkway on Long Island, which has little traffic. Did 0-60 and the first time, my wife and daughter were literally squealing with (I think) delight. I am not that dramatic, but the first time, I shouted out Holy ____. It literally feels like a roller coaster.

-Insane turning radius. I had a great 'guide'. I told him I would drive aggressively. Gave him the heads up and the first thing I did was jam the steering wheel to the side in sport mode in a large parking lot to get it to skid. It held a perfect turn in a small radius (relatively speaking). Because they did not allow me to go onto the beach, I did the entire test in sport mode. WOW.

-the AT tires are so cool looking. If in doubt, get the 20s


--they were not aware of any nonemployee deliveries in NY yet.
--they are driving about a month in NY with 5 vehicles with a handful of appointments a day per a week, two or three days a week.
--Alexa integration - you will be able to control some features by voice, but they did not know if for example, you could say, Alexa, turn up my heat to my house, and it would work. Would seem like an eventual no brainer to me.
--The fit and finish is amazing. I opened the gear tunnel cabin area slot door thing, and the stiches in the seat were great.
--Ridiculous visibility - I am 5/9; the front is curved down. I don't think I have been in a vehicle with that much visibility
--People talked about the plastic roll thingies. They actually look quite nice in person.
--Conserve mode will come on all vehicles. It switches between front wheel and rear wheel motors when you are driving to minimize energy. Confirmed the higher mileage we saw in offroad videos was on conserve mode.
--Very, very comfortable seats. Rear seat more comfortable than most front seats I'd say, but i don't drive fancy cars much.
--Second room has more leg room than my 2011 crv has front row leg room.
--This thing is a beat.
--Employees are working in Brooklyn but it is not open to the public yet.
Gasoline will evaporate very slowly from ICE vehicles.
EV lose charge while parked for extended periods, especially if parked in the cold. Opposite gasoline evaporation.
I agree that the large solar arrays can be eyesores. The ground underneath ends up being a waste of space which is a shame especially if it is good pasture. Most of them are mowed by man and machine which I think is wasteful. I’ve seen some with sheep grazing under them which to me looks like the best arrangement. The panels give them shade and shelter from the elements. It wouldn’t replace the mowing entirely but would certainly decrease the need. In an ideal situation you could add broilers and egg layers too. The same space could produce power, meat, eggs, and fiber.
Ya can use goats for ski trail clearin too.

I agree that the large solar arrays can be eyesores. The ground underneath ends up being a waste of space which is a shame especially if it is good pasture. Most of them are mowed by man and machine which I think is wasteful. I’ve seen some with sheep grazing under them which to me looks like the best arrangement. The panels give them shade and shelter from the elements. It wouldn’t replace the mowing entirely but would certainly decrease the need. In an ideal situation you could add broilers and egg layers too. The same space could produce power, meat, eggs, and fiber.
Go watch Jeremy Clarkson's Farm if you want to understand why sheep are difficult and expensive to use.
Go watch Jeremy Clarkson's Farm if you want to understand why sheep are difficult and expensive to use.
I grew up a shepherd and was involved in 4H for many years. In my adult life I created a successful sheep program while making wine at a local winery. Yes, it is difficult and yes, there isn’t a lot of money in it. That’s the way farming is unfortunately. It doesn’t mean it’s not viable or without benefits. Success can be measured many different ways. I’m sure Clarkson is entertaining but I won’t be looking to him for advice on sheep. Haven’t paid attention to him since he got chased out of Argentina by a rock throwing mob.
Some comedian used to do a bit about Patrick Swaze being a one dimensional actor. He would ask the audience for a profession and then pretend to be Swaze doing the role. The night we were there, when he asked for a profession, my buddy yelled out “a shepherd!” The guys starts saying “um where are my sheep…” then he gave up and was like “fuck I can’t do a shepherd- that’s funnier than my whole act.”
I grew up a shepherd and was involved in 4H for many years. In my adult life I created a successful sheep program while making wine at a local winery. Yes, it is difficult and yes, there isn’t a lot of money in it. That’s the way farming is unfortunately. It doesn’t mean it’s not viable or without benefits. Success can be measured many different ways. I’m sure Clarkson is entertaining but I won’t be looking to him for advice on sheep. Haven’t paid attention to him since he got chased out of Argentina by a rock throwing mob.
What were the sheep doing at the winery?