ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

I think the Amazon EV delivery trucks are brilliant for use here in NJ.

They are made for stop-and-go. And compared to a UPS truck they have a much lower center of gravity. I see women driving these things, and slinging them around pretty good.
Those are Rivians.
Finally took the Tesla on a road trip, though not far enough to need to Supercharge. The trip to Baltimore was ~190 miles representing ~60% of my battery. I charged it to 92% before I left and arrived with about 25%. Not too bad considering the car was stuffed the gills and it was almost 100% highway driving @ ~75 mph. FIL has a 240v outlet right in the garage so by the time we woke up the car was charged back up. Easy peasy with no stopping to refuel on I-95 where the service stations are charging over $4/gallon.

Only weird thing was that when I first plugged in the destination it estimated I would arrive with about 20%, then went to about 30% after 20 minutes then settled around 26%. I took off the front license plate holder for the trip, maybe it was adjusting for that? I Dunno.
Finally took the Tesla on a road trip, though not far enough to need to Supercharge. The trip to Baltimore was ~190 miles representing ~60% of my battery. I charged it to 92% before I left and arrived with about 25%. Not too bad considering the car was stuffed the gills and it was almost 100% highway driving @ ~75 mph. FIL has a 240v outlet right in the garage so by the time we woke up the car was charged back up. Easy peasy with no stopping to refuel on I-95 where the service stations are charging over $4/gallon.

Only weird thing was that when I first plugged in the destination it estimated I would arrive with about 20%, then went to about 30% after 20 minutes then settled around 26%. I took off the front license plate holder for the trip, maybe it was adjusting for that? I Dunno.
Nice. I don’t know about the Tesla guessometer but my rivian tends to be about 20-30 miles conservative (about 7-10 percent) on long trips.
While protective it can be annoying.
Interesting and nerdy video on the refreshed R1s (they just closed the plant and executed). Much of it is cost improvement, but there is also better hardware.

Super nerdy and interesting video that I am not finished with and walks through all the changes:

The USA is the largest producer of natural gas and the largest exporter of natural gas. National Grift wants a 20% increase for delivering natural gas and 15% for electricity (35% from natural gas). Criminal.

The current US setup for power generation and distribution with guaranteed returns for these power companies as at odds with the uneven electrical generation by solar and wind. There are no clear paths to solve this problem.
ORDA Exec meeting slide on SKI3 venue electricity pricing.

Quite a cost discrepancy in the same state managed by the same folks.
Hope ski areas get lots of natural snow. ❄️
Right up on the offroad capability of the refresh on R1 line. Host: is this the premium version? Rivian offroading engineer: This is the base dual motor version. Enjoy.

Road tripping from Western Long Island to Huntsville Alabama. About 17-20 hours of driving each way. Will let you all know how it goes.

One thing I have to say: if I had the Tesla adapter, I would have saved myself like an hour of planning where to stop and charge. The Rivian app can plan it all itself but it is too conservative - where I can pretty easily do day one on two stops (500 miles), it would have had me do 3. They seem to have made the good choice not to risk you getting stuck.

If anyone is interested who road trips in non teslas, I used the following apps to plan: ABRP; Chargeway (both mapping); plugshare (to see the reliability of charging stops); google maps (see what is near charging stops); Rivian (to see how it would have mapped).