ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

A straight up carbon tax would be a better approach. It would economically incentivize both industry and consumers to opt for cleaner choices, be much simpler to implement, and the revenue generated could be put back into clean energy investments.

Unfortunately raising taxes is politically unfeasible so we have this instead.
I think the Amazon EV delivery trucks are brilliant for use here in NJ.

They are made for stop-and-go. And compared to a UPS truck they have a much lower center of gravity. I see women driving these things, and slinging them around pretty good.
Dude. Anybody that saw seasons 2 & 3 of BJ and the Bear knows that women make great truck drivers. SMH
I was throwing no shade bro
A straight up carbon tax would be a better approach. It would economically incentivize both industry and consumers to opt for cleaner choices, be much simpler to implement, and the revenue generated could be put back into clean energy investments.

Unfortunately raising taxes is politically unfeasible so we have this instead.
The manufacturing of EVs emits substantially more CO2 than ICE. It could backfire (pun intended).
That is true, but unless you live in Kentucky, EVs quickly make up the difference in a few years