ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

We've also determined there's a vast difference between subsidizing an industry vs individual transactions.
There is a difference. Individual subsidies to mitigate the risk for early adopters in ways that general industries do not. There is a scientific consensus that we need to take fossil fuels out of the transportation system, and EVs are the least disruptive way to do it. You could reduce carbon emissions by reducing the need to drive everywhere, but that seems politically impossible.

The reason EV sales are soft now is that the infrastructure is still in the early development stage, but all the early adopters have already bought EVs.

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There is a difference. Individual subsidies to mitigate the risk for early adopters in ways that general industries do not. There is a scientific consensus that we need to take fossil fuels out of the transportation system, and EVs are the least disruptive way to do it. You could reduce carbon emissions by reducing the need to drive everywhere, but that seems politically impossible.

The reason EV sales are soft now is that the infrastructure is still in the early development stage, but all the early adopters have already bought EVs.

Interesting point of view.

It's been my experience that what incentives do is weaken the brand. Whether they are from the manufacturer or the government they hurt the value of the vehicle.

Right now, if you want to lose a bunch of cash buy an EV.
Tax at the pump, on your electric bill, and on a plane ticket a cost proportionate to the amount of C02 the source fuels emit.

Right now, if you want to lose a bunch of cash buy an EV.
Funny, the EV was by far the cheapest option of the mid size crossovers I looked at.