ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

Related to the idea of moving based on EV technology but on water, not roads . . .
Folks fish on Lake Ontario using big engines to power their boats out to deep water when the thermocline sets up then putt around between 2-3 mph for hours using the big motor or else a small kicker motor. Fuel costs are a big part of how much profit charter captains remains. Have yet to see many electric motors for the big lake fishing boats but their time will come. Honda and others are filing patents on hybrid engines.

Bass fishing uses electric batteries for quietly sneaking into fishing spots after running the big motor to where the fish are.

An electric motor is much more stealth and should be cost effective. The exhaust from the hydrocarbon engines goes into the H2O.
In addition to helping me wind down at night or fill gaps in time when I can't really do anything else, reading helps enrich my life. In the Musk book I saw many examples of the 'man' overcutting and reversing (good bad or indifferent, we should be able to agree that Musk is 'talented'). He apparently hired back the supercharging team he fired. The bio shows him fairly frequently reversing bad decisions: a short article about the fired supercharger teams getting rehired.

In addition to helping me wind down at night or fill gaps in time when I can't really do anything else, reading helps enrich my life. In the Musk book I saw many examples of the 'man' overcutting and reversing (good bad or indifferent, we should be able to agree that Musk is 'talented'). He apparently hired back the supercharging team he fired. The bio shows him fairly frequently reversing bad decisions: a short article about the fired supercharger teams getting rehired.

Musk now exhibits the exact behavior you do not want from a person running a company. How much did this reversal cost? He should be fired for making the wrong decision about firing the supercharger group in the first place as he is clearly showing it was the wrong decision. If he is doing this crap publicly, what is he doing that is hidden from the public? What is he doing to hide or intimidate the auditors?

The Supercharger system could become the next Exxon and he is firing the team that makes the Tesla system work. How is Tesla going to attract talent in the future? You now have to think long and hard about working at Tesla when you see this out of control decision making.

What a clown show.
He's hired back some of the team, many have moved on to competitors which is terrible for Tesla, but good for EV adoption to have competition

P.S.A to anyone reading this that owns shares of TSLA (I still have a few) - Vote against everything the board recommends, especially Musk's $50+ Billion payday and re-incorporating to Texas


Unrelated but just read this article about NIO battery swapping

NIO battery swapping
This is what I’m talking about. With the current model available to us, customers are expected to take on all of the expense and risk. Battery swapping helps alleviate this and has the added benefit of a faster charged turnaround time.

For Nio vehicle owners, they can choose from different tiers of subscription services and lease batteries based on their expected usage. This battery-as-a-service (BaaS) model has many advantages for consumers. First, Nio users enjoy the reduced risk of owning a default battery, and a lowered price of the initial purchase. Because the battery pack accounts for nearly one third of the cost of owning an EV. Second, there is guaranteed battery quality, as the batteries are regularly inspected and maintained by the company. Third, users purchasing Nio’s battery subscription get to upgrade to the latest generation of the technology, and worry nothing about end-of-life hassles.
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I also wonder if you can select different size packs? I suppose it would have to be the same shell size but less cells in them. The advantage being for local driving which is 99% of the time you can opt for something like a 40 KWH pack which would save on weight and make your EV much more efficient. When you are going on a road trip you can then opt for a 90 KWH pack or whatever.
I think and unintended consequence of solar is that rates will go up for non solar ppl.

Under utility regulation the basic idea is a monopoly with fair or regulated return on capital.

The issue will ultimately be they are selling less but entitled to return on all their capital under the regulatory regime.