ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

When I worked at McDonalds, a car pulled into the drive thru with smoke coming out from under the hood. When they popped the hood, sure enough there was a little fire starting to burn on top of the engine. Two blasts from the fire extinguisher put it out. No biggie but it really made my day.
While this one wasn't a car fire, it illustrates how quickly a fire gets going while the resident was inside unaware till it was beyond the point of a fire extinguisher or garden hose.

Again that's why to me it makes sense to put a smoke detector in your garage.

Texas Public Policy may be biased. . . .

And if they are looking at Texas even I would not buy an ev in Texas - electric is too ‘dirty’ - gas is actually cleaner in Texas than electric (same in W Va).
Texas Public Policy may be biased. . . .

And if they are looking at Texas even I would not buy an ev in Texas - electric is too ‘dirty’ - gas is actually cleaner in Texas than electric (same in W Va).
Texas public policy institute is a pro petrolium (propaganda) organization.

But there's a lot of nonsensical propaganda and hype on both sides of the EV equation.
I'm calling BS on that.
For one thing, the second largest cost they estimate is incremental generation, transmission and distribution costs." Ontario Hydro will charge your EV for 2.6 cents/kWhr (Canadian). Off peak incremental costs in the electric industry are practically zero. IIRC that's the export price for hydro power, and no one thinks that's a subsidy.
All the other subsidies in that study are investments in transitioning to a carbon free electric system. There is no other investor or institution that is either capable or ha the incentive to make an investment large enough to accomplish that. Whether you think that's a sound investment or not depends on whether you think that current levels of fossil fuel use is unstainable.
That study also ignores subsidies for fossil fuel use. If the capacity of the atmosphere to safely absorb CO2 has been exceeded, then the damage fossil fuels are doing free of charge is probably the greatest subsidy of all.
EVs are part of the transition to a low carbon energy economy. It's gonna cost a boatload of money, but EVs are the cheap part.

Texas Public Policy may be biased. . . .

And if they are looking at Texas even I would not buy an ev in Texas - electric is too ‘dirty’ - gas is actually cleaner in Texas than electric (same in W Va).
It took about 30 seconds of googling to find this:

Texas looks pretty clean. Coal is only about 15%, and there's 3 times as much carbon free energy as coal. In the morning hours when you're gonna charge your car, there's 6 ties as much zero carbon power.

Here's the PJM fuel mix, which includes West Virginia:

Only about 15% coal, twice as much nuclear and three times as much natural gas. That would have improved with the Claen Power Plan, but that was spiked. Depending on what source is on the margin when you charge, your EV is still probably cleaner than ICE in WV.

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It took about 30 seconds of googling to find this:

Texas looks pretty clean. Coal is only about 15%, and there's 3 times as much carbon free energy as coal. In the morning hours when you're gonna charge your car, there's 6 ties as much zero carbon power.

Here's the PJM fuel mix, which includes West Virginia:

Only about 15% coal, twice as much nuclear and three times as much natural gas. That would have improved with the Claen Power Plan, but that was spiked. Depending on what source is on the margin when you charge, your EV is still probably cleaner than ICE in WV.

Thanks MM. My basis for the statement is listed in a chart somewhere in the many pages of this thread but it is also probably at least a few years old, so either I was wrong or it has gotten cleaner. It was from a google search. Not that that makes it any more reliable.

I agree also, Camp, that there is fiction on both sides of this. I try to avoid that and be fair but I am sure I make mistakes.
I agree also, Camp, that there is fiction on both sides of this. I try to avoid that and be fair but I am sure I make mistakes.
I learn the most from this thread and the one on the Aussie ski forum about EVs. Just enough people paying attention and posting links without being a time sink after heading down a rabbit hole for more info. :)