ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

My truck tells me how many miles I have left on the mph display. Where the GPS operates it also displays how many miles left to your destination and also how many miles you will have left when you arrive. When you add the two of them together they should equal the dash board. It Doesn't. When the dash says you have 250 miles you really have about 225.
I'm not a mpg fanatic.. but I do pay attention.
I don't rely on what the dash display tells me on the RAV4 Prime for EV miles remaining or gas miles remaining towards the end. Under 10 miles EV, I've watched it go from 5 to 0 pretty fast. Not that it matters since the car just goes into hybrid mode automatically. The EV miles indicator left shifts a bit based on EV driving history. The first few weeks for both Primes the max was under 43. I think when I picked up the 2022, it showed max 35. That shifted up to about 40 after a few days driving it around after I got it home (picked up in central NY in August). Now both regularly show 47-49 after charging overnight at the house on L1.

Turns out Toyota is conservative about gas miles remaining. When that goes to 0 there is actually 2-3 gallons left in the tank. I only push it that far when on a long drive and I know exactly where I'm stopping for gas next. When driving south from NY via PA, I sometimes end up pushing the limit to get gas in VA where the tax is lower. Plus from northern VA I can get home without needing to add gas again.
I don't rely on what the dash display tells me on the RAV4 Prime for EV miles remaining or gas miles remaining towards the end.

Funny with my CRV, I don't rely on it when it tells me 500+ miles at the beginning, but i totally rely and trust it when it says 20.

Not saying that is smart, just that that is what I do.
Funny with my CRV, I don't rely on it when it tells me 500+ miles at the beginning, but i totally rely and trust it when it says 20.

Not saying that is smart, just that that is what I do.
I've seen as high as 480 or so for the 2022 RAV4 Prime with a full tank. In my head I count on 450 when planning when/where to stop for gas on a day I'm going to drive 600+ miles. Having an extra 30+ EV miles as the gas miles get under 50 makes it even easier to keep going to a known gas station when driving along routes I know well. I used to push the minivan that way too, which had a range of about 300 miles.
Will a plug-in hybrid recharge to full battery by driving?
Will a plug-in hybrid recharge to full battery by driving?
Our Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV has a mode that does that. It’s probably not very efficient. I would imagine you get a big hit on MPGs, so we never use that function.
Will a plug-in hybrid recharge to full battery by driving?

Suppose I start with EV 48m with an overnight charge. When I start a long drive in HV mode, the EV miles slowly go down to 40 as I drive on the highway and then stay there. If I forget and use up EV after a stop and get down to 20m, then decide to charge while the gas engine is running later on, can get up to 30-35 and that's it. Haven't done it often enough to know what factors go into the max number.

When charging when driving, I could see the average mpg go down. Was something like from NN.5 to NN.2 the last time. Wrote it down but don't feel like going to the car to look it up.
What is NN.5 or NN.2? Does HV mean hybrid?

Can you top the battery off on a long hill?
What is NN.5 or NN.2? Does HV mean hybrid?

Can you top the battery off on a long hill?
Couldn't remember if the average mpg was 44.5 and 44.2 or 43.n . Sorry, I was a math major. ;)

Yes, HV mode in a Prime means hybrid mode. As opposed to EV mode that only works when the traction battery has enough juice. A Prime will never drain the traction battery below the level needed to work as a hybrid. Meaning if the EV indicator looks like "empty" the battery has plenty of stored energy to work as a hybrid. A Prime defaults to EV mode when it starts up. A push of a button switches to HV. Holding that button down is how you force charging while driving.

Charging while driving is rarely worth the effort. No idea when/how that works. In the past year I've only bothered when I'm on a long trip (expect to drive over 500 miles more) and let EV miles go below 25 or so by forgetting to go into HV mode. Used to happen the most often the day I was heading home and had 500+ miles to drive. After some experimentation, I have learned to not charge while driving at highway speeds. Took a while but by now I'm pretty good about remembering to punch the button after a quick gas stop and rest break. People who ride with me on long trips have gotten good at asking "did you push the button?"
My truck tells me how many miles I have left on the mph display. Where the GPS operates it also displays how many miles left to your destination and also how many miles you will have left when you arrive. When you add the two of them together they should equal the dash board. It Doesn't. When the dash says you have 250 miles you really have about 225.
I'm not a mpg fanatic.. but I do pay attention.

Last weekend I went to the dump.. Was pulling the dump trailer. When I left I pulled in front of a raptor. It was riding my butt when we came to a passing zone. He tried going past me and could not come close. I walked right away from him with the trailer in tow. Met up in Stewart's and he was bewildered how it happened.
Driving in the burbs and metro I beat stated range just as a factor of aero.

Open road you will take a hit particularly over 70 mph. Hwy w a suv or bigger in front of you little to no penalty.
Haven't watched the entire video about the EVS36 show, but the take-away message is that NACS is coming in 2024 in multiple ways.

June 2023, starting at Min 46 for Blink