ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

Don't forget about the big kill joy called the Vietnam War, Civil unrest , assassinations just to name a few...
A veritable gully washer, it was.
The 60s were better in every way. The cars were cooler. You could get 106 octane premium gas. The music was better. There was free love.
Purely from the standpoint of nostalgia cars from the 60's are very cool. But in reality they are inferior in every possible way to what we have today. Glad we don't have to drive a POS like that today.
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My truck tells me how many miles I have left on the mph display. Where the GPS operates it also displays how many miles left to your destination and also how many miles you will have left when you arrive. When you add the two of them together they should equal the dash board. It Doesn't. When the dash says you have 250 miles you really have about 225.
I'm not a mpg fanatic.. but I do pay attention.

Last weekend I went to the dump.. Was pulling the dump trailer. When I left I pulled in front of a raptor. It was riding my butt when we came to a passing zone. He tried going past me and could not come close. I walked right away from him with the trailer in tow. Met up in Stewart's and he was bewildered how it happened.
Last weekend I went to the dump.. Was pulling the dump trailer. When I left I pulled in front of a raptor. It was riding my butt when we came to a passing zone. He tried going past me and could not come close. I walked right away from him with the trailer in tow. Met up in Stewart's and he was bewildered how it happened.
Trucks racing to the dang dump FTW.