ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

I thought hydrogen was a fuel that took a fair amount of energy to produce. Is it an economically viable option?
One of the biggest markets for fuel cells right now is forklifts. There are companies generating hydrogen using solar panels on the warehouse roof to make hydrogen through electrolysis to run the fork lifts.
Cost is about break even right now with battery forklifts but the charging/fueling time is much less providing for more efficiency. Amazon and Walmart are big users of fuel cell forklifts. But I believe they currently purchase their hydrogen now as opposed to generating it themselves.
It's for real. They know that fossil fuels will eventually go the way of whale oil.
Whatsamatter with blubber?
Have ya seen the size of some folks nowadays?
Fats ain’t going away.
When they dedicated the shiny new Chemistry building at Ole Miss, photosynthesis Nobel Prize winner Melvin Calvin came ta gave the speech.
He said ya could grow plants & extract oil from them cheaper than what the price of Middle East oil was at the time.(Late '70s).
Carbon neutral.
CRV hybrid was left outside last night, low was around 40. First time I got under 40mpg driving to work. Got 38.9, normal for that drive is 42-45, highest ever was 51.1.

Makes me wonder what I will get this winter.
for belleayre or Catskills ev folks they are adding a high speed ev volve Ny charger in Hurley about a mile from exit 19!

Ps I love how Albany has like 8 high speed chargers with a population of probably 1m. Not angry because they actually did a good job other than that of spreading them out appropriately other than missing one near exit 19 which is being fixed.
CRV hybrid was left outside last night, low was around 40. First time I got under 40mpg driving to work. Got 38.9, normal for that drive is 42-45, highest ever was 51.1.

Makes me wonder what I will get this winter.
Short winter drives say 10 miles or less your battery efficiency will be bad. Maybe 50 percent bad.

Probably w a hybrid on long drives you will see much less of a hit of you go between gas and battery as that will warm the battery and give you efficiency.
Probably w a hybrid on long drives you will see much less of a hit of you go between gas and battery as that will warm the battery and give you efficiency.
That probably explains why my gas mileage was about the same during the summer or fall as compared to driving to Colorado in December. Meaning for trips that were about 800 miles one-way. South Fork is about 1900 miles from my house. Not super cold the last couple Decembers but enough that it could make a difference for a short drive.

Fair to say that charging at the rental house at 10 degrees overnight wasn't nearly as effective as at home in a NC garage. I didn't need EV but used it for the short drive up to Wolf Creek just for fun. For most long trips I don't bother to bring the charging cable unless I'm going to stay a while somewhere where I know I'll be able to access an exterior outlet.
CRV hybrid was left outside last night, low was around 40. First time I got under 40mpg driving to work. Got 38.9, normal for that drive is 42-45, highest ever was 51.1.

Makes me wonder what I will get this winter.
Could it be they switched over to the winter blend?