ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

Wow! For yourself or for your business? That motor is one of GM's best.
Business. It was a Canadian import. For some reason, that motor is more available in Canada than the USA. It's definitely rare in the Tahoe, but fairly common in the K1500's.
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Hey Dom. I see pictures of the efficiency is different places. I have the map next to my speed. How do I change it?
Hey Dom. I see pictures of the efficiency is different places. I have the map next to my speed. How do I change it?
If it is what I think you are referring to, put your left hand on the left track wheel. To the left of that is a button. Hold that button for three seconds. It toggles between map, efficiency and tire pressure. I tend to do efficiency.
Cranking in Liberty 339 miles per an hour while son asleep in passenger seat. Love EVolveNY.

Full disclosure first stall was a dud at 35 kw per hour. Took 30 seconds to figure out and switch.

Had an EA issue today that I will have to chew them out on. That’s life with an electric. I am enjoying it. Had the car on the beach trying to show my kids how to cast, did a good deed for a dude in a grand Cherokee who was stuck, and now in the foothills of the cats. Hopefully not rained out tomorrow.


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Interesting. Rivian is getting better with the step down in its charging curve. 160kw from a 150 kw charger to 60 percent then dropped to 144 kw at 65 and then dropped to 132 and at 68 dropped to 117k, which is like 250 miles per hour at 117kw.

The reason you can get 160 from a 150 is that they may have built a 185 and labeled it a 150. But that is a guess.
25 min adds 125 miles on a bit the fastest charger. Pretty good. And I wasn’t at the bottom of the battery where you can get the past results.
Live blogging charge curves on a Saturday night. (Invites internet abuse). Last night I was having a drink on the sound and this morning swimming in the ocean so I got some fun stuff in.

And since son is asleep I figured I would top off now instead of tomorrow morning.
Just hit 30 min mark; battery from 25-76 percent. Now it will really ramp down (at 71 kw) to protect battery. 212 range but will keep going. Good night.