ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

My last time at the Glen was for the 1982 US Grand Prix. My buddy and I camped out. Day before the race, we were tromping around and wandered into, I think it was called the Swamp. Huge party zone People had pushed a VW bug down into a pit and set it on fire. NY State Police came out and shot tear gas everywhere to disperse the crowd.
Yes, the Glen is a total blast. Great people, and parties everywhere. We camped trackside in the Boot, Fri-Mon. Already booked for next year, too!
Here's a different viewpoint about what Toyota is planning for EVs . . . from Australia. The list of EVs that can be bought there in 2023 is quite different from N. America or Europe.

June 25, 2023 (Australia)
Time will certainly tell, but I don't think we'll be alive when this happens.
Depends on how sunset is defined and its duration. Kodak said the same thing about digital photography and yet less than 2 decades later film was all but dead, except for niche applications.

ICEs will definitely be used for decades but will find themselves in lower and lower demand as tech improves. Once the tech gets there it will happen quickly.

While I'm a fan of technology and the notion of electric vehicles is fascinating to me, I'm in no hurry to replace my either of my gasoline crvs. As a Honda guy I have expectations that a vehicle needs to be rock solid reliable with little more than routine maintenance for 10+years. Therefore I'll be taking a wait and see approach for electric or hydrogen etc.
Time will certainly tell, but I don't think we'll be alive when this happens.
Man, I knew you guys were old, but I didn’t think you were this old. You don’t think you’ll be alive in 15-20 years? (Tesla’s sedan began production in 2012, only 11 years ago & look how far we have come since then)
You don’t think you’ll be alive in 15-20 years?
Should be, but I've run darn hard for the past 57 years. I think it will be longer, more like 30+ before EV is real. It's nowhere near, imo, being useful here in the NE for what I do.
We also need to take into consideration that EV sales are dropping, not rising.

We also don't here much on E waste --- wait until more and more of that shit gets buried. We can't even properly manage what we have now.

I'll stick with my 3/4 ton gas burner