ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

I was doing the math last night. I'm going to save 50-80 per week switching to electric. If maintenance works out the the way they project I'll be out of pocket 7,000 dollar more going from a 50k car to a 100 k truck. Not getting the credit is BS that would put me in the green.
Go get the new Prius prime and pocket that 50k
Go get the new Prius prime and pocket that 50k
I've been reading how Tesla, Rivian, etc will be changing the dealer body as we know it. I, like the rest of us, aren't very good at predicting the future, but I sincerely believe once the big boys get up and running with EVs these start up EV manufactures will dwindle. Possibly even fold. I mean, I haven't seen anyone pay $1.1 million for the first ________ from Tesla or Rivian. It's all about market share. Sure, right now the EV market is being dominated by these startups but in 3 years from now? Time will tell.
If a person, or company, has NASCAR money, they have money. Pretty cool.
Yep here’s his weekend ride
Almost 700hp

I was doing the math last night. I'm going to save 50-80 per week switching to electric. If maintenance works out the the way they project I'll be out of pocket 7,000 dollar more going from a 50k car to a 100 k truck. Not getting the credit is BS that would put me in the green.
The math is pretty crazy. Pays for your passes for a few seasons each year (if you aren't doing the ambassador thing).
I've been reading how Tesla, Rivian, etc will be changing the dealer body as we know it. I, like the rest of us, aren't very good at predicting the future, but I sincerely believe once the big boys get up and running with EVs these start up EV manufactures will dwindle. Possibly even fold. I mean, I haven't seen anyone pay $1.1 million for the first ________ from Tesla or Rivian. It's all about market share. Sure, right now the EV market is being dominated by these startups but in 3 years from now? Time will tell.
Good point. Many will fold or merge - I think about the subways - they were once private competitors. You don't need 5 lines in one spot in 1900 NYC. They essentially merged (not that the quality experience of 2000s transit is the target - there are different reasons it is bad).

All these charge companies will come down to a handful.

Some of the Tesla, Rivian, Ocean's of the world will survive but not all (but unfair to put Tesla in that group - if any car company survives it will IMO).

But I do think that if some of the Big 3 etc. can't execute on EVs, they will have to buy out a Rivian or eventually fail.
Also, actually pretty easy to do a hostile on Rivian right now - the stock is trading at the value of the company's cash. Maybe financing issues.

I obviously hope they don't get bought.
I was doing the math last night. I'm going to save 50-80 per week switching to electric. If maintenance works out the the way they project I'll be out of pocket 7,000 dollar more going from a 50k car to a 100 k truck. Not getting the credit is BS that would put me in the green.
After I figure all the stuff I need to sign for my solar build and do it, I will sit down and do the math on my miles and charge cost. It is probably in the range of $3-500 for 5,200 miles of driving.