ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

Good to see this write up; they swapped in Blizzak LT tires for 20 inch wheels instead of the All Terrain tires that are an option from Rivian. Good grip in snow and ice, which has been an issue on the factory Pirelli all terrain tires.

IT IS HAPPENING. Sort of. Which of the two options below would you take? (please spare me your DomB bashing : ) ) -

I was called today by a Rivian guide. They offered to give me my exact build EXCEPT it has a 'Forest Edge' interior instead of Ocean Coast. If it take it, it is $2,000 more (that color is an upcharge) but I would get it by month end; if I don't, I save 2k, get the color I want and my wife really wants, but only have a delivery 'window' of April to June 2023. I ordered in May 2019. I think my order window had been delayed 4-5 times but it is hard to keep count now. (June 2020, June 2021, June 2022, October 2022, June to April 2023?)

My order is Launch Green exterior, Ocean Coast interior, 20 inch all terrain tires, no underbody shield. In winters I think I will ride Blizzak LT tires.

Here is a color vid:

You waited this long what's another couple of months. I got an email about offering models by builds not my specs. They are trying to ship trucks as fast as they can,I'm happy to wait it out.
My wife agrees with you. This is the S, which has been banished to the sidelines for the T. TJ, I'll buy you a beer if I get my S before your T. Folks ordered in '22 got their T's delivered in 22! And thanks again for skiing with me all those years ago at WF it was fun (don't worry I am a better skier now than then).
Dom with all those delays... are you getting a BETTER vehicle two years later?

Why is a color $2000 more? I wouldn't pay more for a color I didn't want.
Yeah. Add me to the wait for the one you really want team. If they waived the 2k and you weren’t offended by the new color that would be one thing but paying extra for it stinks