ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

To me hybrid solves a lot of it.

Smaller batteries so less mfg impact
Uses less gas than other cars with no range anxiety

I hope what he said about battery production getting "better" is true, I'll believe it when I see it. I certainly think it can improve, but are we seeing it yet?

Mining of minerals in china, is a big issue. If everyone switched to EVs they would have a ton of leverage.
For me it comes down to the Rivian or the Highlander Hybrid midline model. I am in a unique situation because while I will never actually get the vehicle (joke), net the Rivian nearly fully loaded is like net 7-12,000 with tax benefit and old price more than the Highlander hybrid.

When you consider the performance difference, cargo capacity, offroad performance, software upgrades, supercar like performance on 0-60, hard for me to take the 600 miles of range over the 290 on the All Terrains.

Now there is a bigger price gap because of price increase, Highlander makes more sense. . . .

Hard for me to turn down an EV that can do what R1s can do (including offroad and beating many supercars on the Track up to limiter of 120) for the range and relatively small price differential.

That said, by Rivian's current guide estimate, my order will be 4 years old by the time it is filled. The good news is that has been an additional 4 years of no car payment.
Mining of minerals in china, is a big issue. If everyone switched to EVs they would have a ton of leverage.
Big issue. And unexpected political changes could cause supply problems here too.
IMO, this ^^^^ should be our concentration. Total EV, right now, still feels like a square peg in a round hole idea.
I agree. I don’t think we’re anywhere near maxing out what’s possible with gas/electric
I actually think the people who can, or want to afford an EV, are serving a real function.

Google works that way. They roll out stuff that is not ready for prime time, and they get a ton of info from the early adapters. I'm not that person but I'm glad he exists. @DomB :)
The other benefit of this is cost. Manufactures can produce a product for mere mortals and not only cater to the wealthy.
For the record, I had an extremely negative net worth coming out of my last set of schooling; I paid for all university (including doing undergrad in 3 years) and on myself or financed it; though somehow my parents put me through (relatively) affordable catholic schools K-12 on their income. I'll spare you the details : )

And there are hacks. I have not done the precise math but I think my price on the R1s is within spitting distance of a fully loaded Highlander Hybrid. I imagine plenty of folks are driving those who are not wealthy.

I know you're not picking on me but I felt a bit defensive about this one.
I actually think the people who can, or want to afford an EV, are serving a real function.

Google works that way. They roll out stuff that is not ready for prime time, and they get a ton of info from the early adapters. I'm not that person but I'm glad he exists. @DomB :)
This is true.

All the Rivian people are beta testers. I am actually a little lucky because my specific delay is tied to white interior, but that means there will be several thousand more beta testers between me and the vehicle.
Big issue. And unexpected political changes could cause supply problems here too.

This is pretty much what I said or was trying to say.

I agree. I don’t think we’re anywhere near maxing out what’s possible with gas/electric

I hope they don't abandon it too.

I hope that there is a hybrid tacoma model in the future, built for mpg and ride, not towing power or plowing.
I definitely wasn't picking on you.
I'm super curious to follow both your and TJ's journey with these Rivians.
I am too. I am also glad I am on the wait list. There are bugs... And they know they have to get it right so they going after the problems. I do believe rivian is going to be one of the survivors in the e car race. Heck I put my money where my mouth is and am getting ready for seconds. Some articles I read make me nervous, overall I'm 80% confident im going to come out smelling like a rose. Make a plan follow the plan. That's my story. You know I have been looking at these things since 2012. It's time.