ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

If you get 30 miles in your 1 hour shopping trip, most city dwellers are set for the week
What about Thursday night when everybody is getting ready to go to the beach or lake or grandma’s house? Seriously. I’m genuinely curious. If nobody has addressed it, just say so. (I mean somebody amongst the people that are supposed to be leading us to the EV promised land, not you or me). As far as I can see, nobody has proposed a charging network that comes anywhere close to what we’ll need.
What about Thursday night when everybody is getting ready to go to the beach or lake or grandma’s house? Seriously. I’m genuinely curious. If nobody has addressed it, just say so. (I mean somebody amongst the people that are supposed to be leading us to the EV promised land, not you or me). As far as I can see, nobody has proposed a charging network that comes anywhere close to what we’ll need.
Haha. Look I always try to be honest, was not trying to hide the ball. I don't have a good answer without thinking about it.

I'll make my points, but I have no particular hills to die on.

There are some historical analogies suggesting this problem will be solved. Look at all the subway lines - ever think about why they overlap? There was lots of private competition. I could see private efforts, sharing technology, public efforts, or combinations. Moreover, the places you are talking about typically like to tax and spend more, suggesting more likelihood municipalities will try to address it. While I often don't have faith in municipalities, this area (like defense and other areas where there are freerider issues) is arguably a good one for government to jump into (getting charging infrastructure up). And the bill that passed has a bunch of charging subsidies (again I have not looked into). Maybe next time I am on vacay I will give it some good thought.

When I have a bit more time I'll check into it. Like a lot of people I tend to focus on problems most directly affecting me, which will be how good are the high speed chargers on 87.

While I am psyched for EV adoption, I am not intentionally trying to ram it down anyone's fairway. Plenty of ramming in the other threads : )
Is that convenient? I'm thinking when people can park in their normal spot, it will make a big difference.
It is closer than lot 1. I am not sure how they deal with the spots. It would be lucky to be able to park your ev there all day.
It is closer than lot 1. I am not sure how they deal with the spots. It would be lucky to be able to park your ev there all day.
Those things are suppose to be self driving.
Just let the robot back it up for the next EV waiting while yer out on the slopes.
No idea if this would be productive, and the fact that it is not happening is probably the answer.

But what if the roof of each car was a solar panel. In a day of parking while at work how many miles could you gain?
No idea if this would be productive, and the fact that it is not happening is probably the answer.

But what if the roof of each car was a solar panel. In a day of parking while at work how many miles could you gain?
Next to nothing at this time.
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This is pretty funny:

It tells you how to do the whole process, and at the end it says basically that it is worthless.