Huntington's Disease: Horrible illness that needs to stop YESTERDAY

Can you post this in HD thread please when you have a chance

Very sad I know HD effects kids much worse than me this young girl needs all kinds of support

That's Scotty all right, concerned about everyone else.
"Researchers identified the structure of the nucleus, the first step in amyloid formation associated with neurodegenerative diseases like Huntington’s. The study suggests a radical method to treat these diseases—halting the initial amyloid formation step. They discovered the nucleus forms within a single protein molecule and inhibiting this formation can potentially stop the disease progression.This approach could change treatment methods for dozens of amyloid-related diseases."

Can you post the HD thread when get a chance

On Thursday, Chef Chris Brown and I spent over an hour talking for the #HDUncut series. This was truly an inspiring show for me. Chris is so honest and authentic.There are so many great parts to the show, so I'm thinking of doing multiple highlight videos, but we will start with this one to give everyone an idea of our conversation. To listen to the full episode, please visit


{Editors Note: I am going to post these updates as Scotty from now on, with a little {Admin} at the bottom so you know it was me.}
Great HD news:

"Huge news today (In my opinion). The NIH (National Institute of Health) has awarded 22 million to a new initiative dubbed "Correction of Neurological Disease via Allele Specific Excision of Pathogenic Repeats”.

One of the goals of this is to bring a CRISPR based therapeutic to clinical trial within 5 years for Huntington's Disease!! "• Project I will utilize AAV-CRISPR techniques to address Huntington's disease, with Krystof Bankiewicz, MD, PhD, as primary investigator. This is the flagship/trailblazer project, which is most likely to yield an approved Investigational New Drug application within 5 years."

You can read the full details here and I'll be happy to answer questions but they're finally aiming to bring CRISPR to people in a relatively quick timeframe for Huntington's Disease! As many in the group know, I am -extremely- excited about the potential of CRISPR to cure HD and right around the corner is a more advanced version called Base Editing.

I know 5 years sounds like a long time but it could come even sooner and I was trying to be conservative in my hopes so wasn't expecting something like this to come about for another 5 years and we'd have it within 8-15 so this is huge to me! Everyone keep your fingers crossed everything goes smoothly for this and we can remove those expanded CAG repeats in everyone!

Read the full story here:

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{posted by Harv}