Greek Peak Conditions

You don't live in the valley yet you have opinions on GP. GP is my neighbor. Management, staff and owners are friends of mine.

We actually ski Greek Peak, so we know what conditions are like, how the lifts are operating, and so on.

In terms of John and Christine, we don’t know them personally, but I’m sure the former Toggenburg skiers think highly of them.
We actually ski Greek Peak, so we know what conditions are like, how the lifts are operating, and so on.

In terms of John and Christine, we don’t know them personally, but I’m sure the former Toggenburg skiers think highly of them.
Thanks RJ
Now, what is it you're trying to say to me.
Now we are back to name calling--twice in one morning. I guess you were absent the day your first grade teacher discussed that topic with your class. Name calling speaks quite a bit about your character.

Can I postulate that RJ didn’t bow down to you either? I’ve been trying to hold my tongue, but it’s your way or the highway with everyone on darn near every subject.

BTW, we are heading over to the slopes in a bit to actually ski. I’ll report on it later, and you can then chime in based on your unsubstantiated opinions.
Now we are back to name calling--twice in one morning. I guess you were absent the day your first grade teacher discussed that topic with your class. Name calling speaks quite a bit about your character.

Can I postulate that RJ didn’t bow down to you either? I’ve been trying to hold my tongue, but it’s your way or the highway with everyone on darn near every subject.

BTW, we are heading over to the slopes in a bit to actually ski. I’ll report on it later, and you can then chime in based on your unsubstantiated opinions.
You can't fool me
Camp has passion and love for the sport that’s what matters. Making fun of someone who can’t ski because of an injury is, pardon the expression, lame. If you don’t like his commentary that’s one thing but to imply he shouldn’t post here is silly.

And for the record I pretty much despise snowmobiles but I enjoy reading his posts about them and would love to take a rip on one someday and see this famous clubhouse.

It’s called understanding.
Chair 2 opened a little after 10, with no line. This was great, because I only had an hour and a half to ski. My yoga studio was offering snowga as a donation class. (We brought winter clothing to donate to a shelter.)

It was hard to ski by chair 2 with no line when I had to leave, but yoga in the snow is fun with its own set of challenges. :)