Greek Peak Conditions

I think that’s the one thing everybody would agree on. What’s the word on the Windham lift anyway? I rode it over there and it was in great shape- at least before it was removed and transported. To me it seems like it ought to o be able to replace either 4 or 5

They are still waiting for some permits, but it is slated to replace chair 3. My understanding is that parts were an issue, but that's been resolved.
I'm thinking from both a staffing and marketing standpoint. A HSQ that replaced 1A and Visions would cut staffing in half. HSQ's are also good for marking. Customers coming from NYC and Philly all drive by ski areas that have high speed lifts.

Heck, Holiday Valley installed a HSQ to replace their Yodeler lift this summer, and their vertical is a fraction of Greek Peak's.
Been a few years since I've been there, but if Greek wants to consider itself a "big league (for Upstate NY) resort" it needs at least one HSQ. Their ticket prices are in the same ballpark as Bristol's, but their infrastructure is way behind.
Been a few years since I've been there, but if Greek wants to consider itself a "big league (for Upstate NY) resort" it needs at least one HSQ. Their ticket prices are in the same ballpark as Bristol's, but their infrastructure is way behind.
Agree the infrastructure has been neglected for years and years. It's crawling back.
Totally disagree with high speed anything. It's not worth the added money, imo. That money should go towards sprucing up the remaining lifts.
We're CNY, not upstate.
They are still waiting for some permits, but it is slated to replace chair 3. My understanding is that parts were an issue, but that's been resolved.
You certainly know a lot about current operations for someone who doesn't spend much time here anymore. Or so you say.
Maybe rope tows
It would keep the riffraff out, plus all the whining about holes in gloves would be hilarious