Greek Peak Conditions

There’s a nice one at Lab. Ya can check it out on the Badger web cam. It’s been busy when the kids are there. Not much vertical so holes aren’t a problem. Friction just warms their fingers.
Rode rope tow in college as well at Smuggs. Nothing wrong with them or T-bars. Stay much warmer on those below zero days.
Wait a second! Campgottagopee is the most active member of this ski blog with opinions on skiing, but doesn’t ski anymore???
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I've read the rules for posting on here and didn't see where skiing was one of them.
I ski. I've had a pass for the past 20+ years? Or more. Didn't ski last year due to covid reasons. Ten years ago I blew my knee out and that injury has gotten really bad. At times, walking can be extremely painful, but I deal with it. I'm getting a new knee in August so I'll be back on the hill next year. My new rush is snowmobiles. I'll only ski when I can't ride.
This year I realized skiing wasn't in the cards for me as I would be unable to take the pain. I gave my pass to a kid on the CNY Freeride Team who couldn't afford one. John and Christine were kind enough to make that happen.
It takes a real asshole to poke at someone for not being able to do something they love due to an injury.
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You don’t ski, but are the most active member of a ski blog.
Not sure what your point is. I've been on ski boards since the 90's and have friends on here.
For someone who isn't RJ you sure sound like RJ.
Please explain to me what it is, exactly, that you're trying to say.