Greek Peak Conditions

Another great day! The chair 5 lot was overflowing onto the road.

When chair 5 stops, it rolls back about a foot, and then you can feel the brake hit. I assume this is how it is supposed to work, given the fact that this happened once yesterday and a couple of times today.
Another great day! The chair 5 lot was overflowing onto the road.

When chair 5 stops, it rolls back about a foot, and then you can feel the brake hit. I assume this is how it is supposed to work, given the fact that this happened once yesterday and a couple of times today.
Ask Cornbread he got funny stories in past years
This is what I think about when I hear about a chair rolling back. When I was a lift operator, they told me to hit the emergency brake if the lift started moving backwards even a little. It takes very little time to build up enough energy that it can’t be stopped at all. I like Greek and want to see them succeed but it seems like they’re kind of casual about lift issues.
This is what I think about when I hear about a chair rolling back. When I was a lift operator, they told me to hit the emergency brake if the lift started moving backwards even a little. It takes very little time to build up enough energy that it can’t be stopped at all. I like Greek and want to see them succeed but it seems like they’re kind of casual about lift issues.
Right. I watched that. It's terrifying.
The guys they have had working chair 5 are great! The guy at the top seemed to watch every single chair unload. There was one time when a guy behind me lost a ski on loading. The guy at the top was watching for him, slowed the lift and then met him at the off ramp to help him down if necessary. I thought they was just great. They also had three guys at the bottom: one scanning passes, one telling people when to move up to the chair and one holding the chair. They rocked!
The guys they have had working chair 5 are great! The guy at the top seemed to watch every single chair unload. There was one time when a guy behind me lost a ski on loading. The guy at the top was watching for him, slowed the lift and then met him at the off ramp to help him down if necessary. I thought they was just great. They also had three guys at the bottom: one scanning passes, one telling people when to move up to the chair and one holding the chair. They rocked!
Agree the fellow holding back chair should give lessons to the others. The guy top chair 5 is always on the ball. Did freak me out a tad with the rollbacks every time it stopped, especially after seeing video above in the past.
All and all was a great day to ski the Peak
Of all the chairlift rides I've made over the last 25yrs, chair 5 is the only chair I've been evacuated from. A former member here was evacuated from it last year. I was on it twice this weekend when it rolled back a little before stopping. Last year it rolled back enough to sweep a couple off the loading platform while they were waiting to board. Be prepared to jump if necessary, my guess is it isn't the safest chair around. +1 on the guy up top, he's really doing a great job, very conscientious.

Mars, and Arethusa especially, were spectacular this morning. Zeus and Hercules didn't suck either, kudos for not grooming Herc.
Twice today when we unloaded on chair 5 the lift came to a stop. Both times there was a loud bang, loud enough that it startled me. When I turned around to look snow came pouring off lift shack roof and lift attendant went for the ladder leaning against the bullwheel. So I assume they have a recurring problem seeing how he went for it quickly and the fact they have a ladder there ready to go.