Greek Peak Conditions

"The best salesman in the world pulled this off, Al Kreger."

I read the bankruptcy settlement and Big Al was somehow able to retain all the Mineral Rights to all Greek Peak properties. (if fracking is allowed in New York State the Kreygers could make a fortune).

I'm not surprised at all, the guy is good.
If fracking was allowed just think of all the farms it would've saved. Now all we have are mega farms. Family farms are all but gone, and that's what built this area. Sad.
I'm not surprised at all, the guy is good.
If fracking was allowed just think of all the farms it would've saved. Now all we have are mega farms. Family farms are all but gone, and that's what built this area. Sad.
Yes sad, Conklin, Kirkwood area was littered with family farms when I was a kid. I grew up working on farm below me, best memories as a child. I can’t even think of a milk farm near me in NY. Now just over the hill from me in PA there’s lot still around.
Taxes? Maybe... who knows, but it’s a shame.
Yes sad, Conklin, Kirkwood area was littered with family farms when I was a kid. I grew up working on farm below me, best memories as a child. I can’t even think of a milk farm near me in NY. Now just over the hill from me in PA there’s lot still around.
Taxes? Maybe... who knows, but it’s a shame.

It def is a shame. We have mega dairy farms here now, as in farmers milking 3000 cows vs 30 farms milking 100. Farms that have been in the same family for over 100 years are now gone. There's still some smaller farms hanging on and I pray they make it. Heck, the only reason any farm is making it now is because of the immigrant Mexican worker, they seem to be the only ones willing to work.
I too worked on farm growing up. To think I thought tossing haybales and filling grain chutes by hand was fun.
The best salesman in the world pulled this off, Al Kreger. He's a great man and Virgil NY owes a lot to him and the Kreyger family. He's a shrude business man, but aren't they all?
The place truly is amazing, and it's amazing that it's still operating, but it is.
Long live GP! ✌️
He's pretty shrewd too! Who else can run businesses into the ground and still prosper? Oh, Trump! Make Virgil Great...Again?

Sounds like a history I know nothing of.

But, I can tell you that it warmed up today, and whatever snow was left from yesterday and Monday is now cement. Groomers were soft. Chair 2 did not spin. Boo.

Sounds like a history I know nothing of.

But, I can tell you that it warmed up today, and whatever snow was left from yesterday and Monday is now cement. Groomers were soft. Chair 2 did not spin. Boo.
I was thinking about taking Friday off to ski. I have changed my mind.
Friday should be fine, maybe not earlier am but high for the day is 36. Things should soften up by late morning I would think.
I have been looking at the webcam. It looks like the bottom of Iliad could use a bit of love, unless it's just the way the light is hitting. I have been trying to figure out if it's ice or slush or a combination of both. :p

If they will be making more snow, than I will wait.