Greek Peak Conditions

Twice today when we unloaded the lift came to a stop. Both times there was a loud bang, loud enough that it startled me. When I turned around to look snow came pouring off lift shack roof and lift attendant went for the ladder leaning against the bullwheel.
That sounds like they hit the emergency brake maybe? Somebody would probably have to go up to crank it open again.
Yeah possibly, kinda weird that happened twice with us. Got me thinking might have something to due with the weight load we took off. Three of us and all big boys, I figured close to 700lbs maybe more with equipment. May have caused something to trip if a safety is set close.
Was there state money involved in building that Hope Lake Lodge? It's huge.
Was there state money involved in building that Hope Lake Lodge? It's huge.
The best salesman in the world pulled this off, Al Kreger. He's a great man and Virgil NY owes a lot to him and the Kreyger family. He's a shrude business man, but aren't they all?
The place truly is amazing, and it's amazing that it's still operating, but it is.
Long live GP! ✌️
"The best salesman in the world pulled this off, Al Kreger."

I read the bankruptcy settlement and Big Al was somehow able to retain all the Mineral Rights to all Greek Peak properties. (if fracking is allowed in New York State the Kreygers could make a fortune).