Greek Peak Conditions

"If you double or triple park your vehicle will be towed to a lovely tow lot in New Jersey."

So if U park in a no-parking area your vehicle will be towed to NJ? Makes a lot of sense - This is the F'n New Normal Bullshit.
I'm sure the towing to NJ part was a joke, has to be. They'll def tow your ass if you're parked in the wrong spot though. They've been having issues with double/triple parking this year due to stupidity.
'"There is plenty of parking, don’t block the fire lane !! """
Comments from Facebook customer of Greek I no idea of the situation
I not regular up at this hill
Meanwhile, at chair 5, there are no signs about where to park. People leave plenty of room near the opening to get from the parking lot to the chair. ?

Wonderful snow this morning! At times, it was hard to see it was snowing so hard! Tomorrow should be great!
We’re heading back home after two days of epic-ness at Greek, it’s really special out there this weekend. Thanks to ye winter gods - Out of fresh snow? Well here’s an instant refill, why yes thanks, I believe I WILL have another glade run!

*speaking of towing, I managed to get stuck driving up the (unmarked) access road. I hereby pledge my eternal gratitude to the operations crew and their snowcat for getting us out!
The one on 392 just before Alpha where the rentals building is, where they have the snowcats and a bunch of other equipment. Suddenly found myself spinning tires in a foot of snow. Lucky I had a few cans of Southern Tier golden ale to show my gratitude.