Greek Peak Conditions

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I just love chair 2, the lift itself and the glades it services


I just love chair 2, the lift itself and the glades it services

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Me too. Ronnie's Run is my most favorite of all trails at Greek Peak. It's a legit glade and has the feeling of skiing bigger than it is. Atlas, right under chair 2, was another all time favorite. Hopefully there will come a day when they can take down the fence a reopen it top to bottom.

For overall skiing at GP, chair 4 is still where it's at, imo, for easy access to lots of variety serviced by one chair that is hardly ever crowded. The hoards always stay over at 1 and 1A --- good for them.
What’s the news on replacing chair 4? I rode it a couple times last Sunday and it didn’t inspire much confidence to be honest.

LOL -- yeah, glad it's short. It's been clunking, moaning, and groaning for 20 years now.

I haven't heard. They want it to go all the way to the bottom but I hope they don't do that. I think it will just bring more people to our honey hole.
Ha, I just skied Geek Peak for the first time Thursday and Friday morning, the same time Brownski's blog post appeared. It's almost equidistant from my place in Ct. and my girlfriend's in upper Baltimore, so we met there. I splurged and got a room at the Hope Lake Lodge because they have pretty full kitchens in the rooms, and that worked out well, since there's no way I'm sharing dinner in a restaraunt with toxic college kids.
I thought conditions would be a little better with the recent snow, but, still needs more. Just a bit. It snowed a few inches Friday morning and I think they're getting 4-5 today, so, if they get a nice little dump, that place is going to be fun. No way I was going into the trees on Thursday, even though a glade was open. Been there, done that, I like my knees.
Great little mountain. Better than I expected. It's not really a mountain, though. What is it? Flat as hell if you drive southwest, which we did just to see Ithica, which is surprisingly gritty. Pretty dead right now, in times of Covid.
I'll be back when it snows. Had a good time.
Ha. Just got an email from Hope Lake Lodge that I get a 30% discount for my next reservation there within the next 90 days, which is the ski season, right? That makes that place a downright value with the kitchen.
Ha, I just skied Geek Peak for the first time Thursday and Friday morning, ...
Great little mountain. Better than I expected. It's not really a mountain, though. What is it? Flat as hell if you drive southwest, which we did just to see Ithica,
I'll be back when it snows. Had a good time.
BenP, All the “mountains" in CNY and finger lakes are sides of hills left over from the last glaciers. Enjoy em.
Was in Trax at noon. Was telling Cornhead about a youtube video I saw showing Wilt Chamberlin playing high school basketball at age 17. Wilt was amazing in the vid. The man sitting to my left said he was involved in an ESPN special about how Wilt Chamberlin used to shoot foul shots in the NBA by running up to the foul line - launching into the air and slam dunking the foul shots... the NBA changed the foul shot rules to stop Wilt from doing this. Cornhead said to the man "Who are you that you were involved in an ESPN special?" The man said "I'm an actor... Daniel Baldwin". Was told that Daniel Baldwin knows the owner and skis at Greek sometimes.