Greek Peak Conditions

Lift 5 was open, and Mars was quite nice. It was soft on top where the sun was hitting and fast and firm in the shade. All in all a warm, sunny beautiful day. Weather forecast is for 10 days of above freezing temps and some days of showers. I'd guess that tomorrow will be the best skiing for the next 2 weeks.
Were they even open? The lift wasn’t spinning on the webcam, but I didn’t see anything on social media.
Were they even open? The lift wasn’t spinning on the webcam, but I didn’t see anything on social media.
Yes. I called the hot line. They anticipate being open tomorrow. I am off through the 9th, theoretically to ski, but it seems to be a waste of vacation days at this point.
I skied last night and if they received the rain we got in Binghamton I can’t see how they would open. Don’t think I will venture back for at least a week and that’s if they really crank up snow making cause their gonna need to, seeing how there’s no real snow in future
Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

Is it worth a 30 minute drive over on my last vacation day, or should I do something else?
Its pretty bad, but they were blowing, some spots where the newly blown snow wasn't very deep were ok, but if you got into it too deep it was very heavy and wet. I almost crashed once hitting a sticky spot unexpectedly. Maybe tomorrow will be better.