Greek Peak Conditions

Its pretty bad, but they were blowing, some spots where the newly blown snow wasn't very deep were ok, but if you got into it too deep it was very heavy and wet. I almost crashed once hitting a sticky spot unexpectedly. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Thanks. It does no sound like a good use of a vacation day.
Thanks. It does no sound like a good use of a vacation day.
tomorrow? Might not be so bad after they spread around what they made today. Looks like they should be able to make snow, at least overnight, for most of the upcoming week.
Yes, tomorrow.

Is it worth taking vacation time or should I save it?
Idk, I personally wouldn't, it will be mediocre conditions at best. Later in the week with continued snow making will probably be better, I would assume. I only take off work for storm events. I took off for the storm several weeks ago, it did snow a foot plus, but it was very heavy snow and was a bit of a chore to ski.
What's up with Greek Peaks new website? That's even worse than the new trail map. The conditions page doesn't list which trails are open nor what rating, only how many are open. Who is doing their marketing? Obviously no one who has any experience or a marketing degree.
I see they have also passed the $100 price level for a day day pass. Glad I have the Indy Pass. I like GP but not $109 like. I would hit Elk on a weekday for $29 less.
89 bucks if you buy online
Missed the tabs. I still think it's a bad design.
When I looked earlier it was $109 and 90 something for 4 hrs. Dynamic pricing? Or with the weather they weren't selling as many as they thought they would for MLK weekend?