Gore Mountain Conditions

@snoloco did you say the 9,000 gpm permit was the limit, or was it pumping capacity? Or both?
Their permit is for 4800 gpm. I'm not sure where the 9000 number came from.

As for @Milo Maltbie I've been pointing out the same mistakes for a long time. The problem is it's a lot easier to get projects funded that increase snowmaking footprint, because they are often cheaper and more visible than increasing snowmaking capacity. Gore is far from the only resort making this mistake, and it's not limited to just ORDA either.
Just a reminder - the new HSQ in the Ski Bowl will be serving more trails in the future which, in ORDA time, means those trails might exist sometime in the next 12 years.
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Mad River's single is case in point for empty trails. The ski bowl's lift is perfect for the amount of skiing available there. If we had a ton of snow, the tree skiers would all be there and probably a lift line. I love the bowl and my first two runs when they are open are 46er and Moxam. Hudson, when open, might be my favorite trail and ski bowl glades definitely my favorite glade over the entire mountain. We have a mountain that people continue to bitch and know what is best for it...and yet they still ski it. There are sooo many other places you can ski but you still choose to ski Gore. This is a conditions thread...did anyone ski today. I skied yesterday and it was awesome. Rumor was about as good as it ever gets. Gore is Gore. You gotta go to know and yes, you might get Gored! But you'll be back...
We are post covid. We’re now in the long gradual response to climate change. So let’s expand to a LOWER elevation. What could go wrong?
Because the ski bowl circumvents the mileage limit, since it's on town land. Other than what's already approved but not constructed, they can't expand anywhere else.
Don't most expansions happen at lower elevations?

I guess in Michigan they do add soil to summits to raise them.
If you ski Smuggs you must believe, at least to some extent, that slower lifts lead to better snow. Otherwise why would you drive all that way?
I think a slower lift may contribute to better snow, but it's pretty far down on the list, well below natural snowfall, weather, amount of terrain, a location that deters crowds, weather again, grooming, snowmaking, weather one more time and maybe then it's the slow lift. It's actually the space between trees and the interesting terrain including hidden pockets that I love about Smuggs. I'd prefer a faster lift with more space between chairs (like Castlerock). I hate that you can only get 2 runs per hour. Although, I suppose if the lifts were faster, more people would be attracted to go.
I'll chime in here. For me the slow lift definitely keeps me from skiing the bowl more. Just not worth it to lap runs over there with the long ride time when there is so much else to ski. Sure I'll do a run or 2 on 46er and if the glades are open I'll ski down there but that's pretty much it. A faster lift would definitely make skiing the bowl more attractive to me and staying there longer vs just doing a run or two then heading elsewhere.
Because the ski bowl circumvents the mileage limit, since it's on town land.
The 2018 Amendment to the 2002 UMPS & FGEIS has a trail+glade mileage analysis for Gore and Pete Gay Mountains done by the LA Group. Circumvention ain’t mentioned...
Other than what's already approved but not constructed, they can't expand anywhere else.
The mileage limits set by NYS Constitution were amended in the past. Could try it again if ever desired.
Only trails within the intensive use area count against the mileage limit. Most of the ski bowl is on town land.