Gore Mountain Conditions

I know the folks I ski with when I ski with someone...aside from my kids, I am almost old and probably will never retire but I have the best retirement job...Cork can't respond because he has an as..ole of a boss...lol
ski you tomorrow
There is so much terrain at Gore that even if it sucks, you can find something to ski. You just might have to skate a bit
"the competition that will be run Presidents Week"...
So looking at the Presidents Week, which would be the least crowded day to visit?
Beyond Sat, Sunday, and of course Monday is there a day that might be less hectic?
I was thinking Wednesday might be good?
But I did not know there were Competitions, or maybe other events as well?
The competitions are scheduled for Monday through Friday, but it will not affect skiing any more than it already does, as Wild Air and Arena are already closed for snowmaking and course building. There may be a section of the main parking lot closed off for competitors, officials, etc.
The first Friday - Monday will be nuts, but Tuesday-Thursday will only be slightly busier than normal weekdays, and the second weekend is pretty much a normal busy weekend. The competition only matters to those directly involved, for the paying customers it’s a small to medium PITA.
My misfortune continues... I chose to not ski on Monday based on the inaccurate Expected Lifts to be open published on Sunday afternoon. It was corrected on Monday morning but I stayed home thinking Wednesday would be fine. Oops, my "go to" Bear Cub Quad lift is listed as closed for Wednesday. Oh well, maybe Friday? Or I could hope for a Wednesday morning update... Of course now I wonder if it was a simple scheduled closure or a breakdown that could last for a few days?
Don’t let the marketing report run your life, as the afternoon first edition is grossly inaccurate and the morning revision, if you can wait until after 8 am for it, is often only slightly less so. When they start spinning the lifts around 8 you can check Sunway on the base area webcam, unfortunately you can’t see Bear Cub from it.
If you can now handle the terrain off the Sunway lift and weather/conditions are good for you, just do it! As often stated on these pages, ya gotta go to know.
So no Rumor this year huh. What a major disappointment. They've had all week to blow it plus last weekend and zilch. No mention of it in the report anymore either. Least they are being honest but them not blowing it and not having that in the Spring is going to majorly make me look to ski elsewhere come corn harvest season.
Unless they actually confirmed that they are done with snowmaking, how could you write off Rumor just yet? There's a good window to work with next week. Has there ever been a year that it didn't open?
There's a good window to work with next week.
Once they get the Mt Gondolas built up they’ll put their horse power to pump Rumor. It’s a very tough task though.
It’s gonna be cold for awhile later this month too.
Should also stock some snow where it could be most useful come corn season. (Dark Side)
Unless they actually confirmed that they are done with snowmaking, how could you write off Rumor just yet? There's a good window to work with next week. Has there ever been a year that it didn't open?
This is just pretty late for them to start blowing it. I can't remember a year in recent memory they waited this long to blow it but could be and probably am wrong. It's not been an Ideal winter and I get that.

In general just get nervous when things happen late at Gore as could mean it doesn't happen at all and never know with the weather when El Torchy will show up.
Looks to be a fun in the sun Thursday.