This is a conditions thread but I know most of you aren't here daily as I am.
Gore has been crazy busy every weekday and insane busy on weekends since covid! Whereas whiteface is now dead, and Belleayre is now number 2 in skier visits behind Gore in the orda chain, seriously.
But the problem is that we do not have the workforce to run what needs to be run daily never mind the ski bowl, but orda has it's head in the sand. "They say" that the new lodge will be open year round. LOL Good luck with that BS

And let's be realistic, If ORDA thinks they can support the new lodge, than why has not there been so much as a cup of coffee or hot chocolate been for sale at the ski bowl lodge in over 3 years??? I mean come on! They host XC races with sometimes up to 500 participants and not a crumb to offer

Yeah that's right, as all of you with teenagers know they're never hungry!
But, Gore is day use area that is on fire, due to the sprawl that has been growing exponentially for over 15 years that is known as the Capital District. Those people that crowd the area daily are going home after their day, and rarely spend a dime in North Creek.
IMO of course, but I live here...