Fish Tales

9/6-went out solo on the East Branch. There were other anglers out as well and were hard to avoid as I was bass fishing with a plastic worm. So I changed tactics and started trolling the deepest section of the reservoir from the dam to the end of the eastern cove. I have caught walleyes here and I was hoping I would hook into one. Finally, after my third round trip I hooked something big.

I wasn't planning on trolling and didn't set up my rod holder before starting. When the fish hit I was lucky to grab my rod before it went overboard. Finally got a good grip and the fish tore into the drag with 2 long runs. Then it shook it's head and was off. Second big walleye I've lost at the EB this year. That's what sucks about trolling, you entice big fish but it's up to the fish to hook itself because you aren't holding the rod when they hit.
9/6-went out solo on the East Branch. There were other anglers out as well and were hard to avoid as I was bass fishing with a plastic worm. So I changed tactics and started trolling the deepest section of the reservoir from the dam to the end of the eastern cove. I have caught walleyes here and I was hoping I would hook into one. Finally, after my third round trip I hooked something big.

I wasn't planning on trolling and didn't set up my rod holder before starting. When the fish hit I was lucky to grab my rod before it went overboard. Finally got a good grip and the fish tore into the drag with 2 long runs. Then it shook it's head and was off. Second big walleye I've lost at the EB this year. That's what sucks about trolling, you entice big fish but it's up to the fish to hook itself because you aren't holding the rod when they hit.
These things'll work.
They just clamp on.
Good luck.
9/15-Rye Lake with Steve. Nice day fish were picky but we each caught a few nice bass. The plastic worm is losing it's effectiveness as the days grow shorter. Fish are not grabbing them as hard and we are losing more fish. Great weather considering there were supercells north and west of us. Saw the cumulonimbus clouds lighting up when lightning flashed to the north and west on my drive home on 84 that was pretty spectacular.

9/18-East Branch with Mike. On water at 6:30 I was happy with the cloudy, misty and cool conditions. Light wind lots of glass calm water:

We rowed out to the middle of that shot, there are colonial foundations, walls, and roadbeds underwater and there were smallmouths actively feeding on the surface. Every now and then a bronze colored slab would come out of the water with a splash. Seeing this sealed my decision to use my suspending jointed Rapala. We rowed out to the little island and found the same action.
My first cast there produced a violent surface hit and just like that my first fish:

After taking that shot Mike hooked another nice smallmouth. Then I hooked and lost another. For the next 2 1/2 hours we moved around and caught fish in most spots. Quite a few nice largemouths too:

At 9 the clouds started to thin and by 10 the skies were clear and it was sunny and hot. That was it for the fishing we were off the water at noon.
9/24-Pepacton reservoir with Steve. Hard to believe summer is over. Pepacton is our favorite Sept/Oct bass and trout location. I was concerned by the change in weather to cool and dry but it was a beautiful day with a strong SW wind to start.
We hiked out to our usual bass location. The first 2 hours were pretty dull. Steve caught a few small bass and my haul was a 5" perch and a 2.5" pig smallmouth.
It's amazing how much confidence in lure selection affects fishing success. I just could not find a lure I liked. The wind was knocking down my casts and I was taking chances wading into deep unknown water just to get a decent cast. We were close to stopping to eat so I changed my lure from the plugs I was casting to a #4 Vibrax silver fox. I was going to use that in the river as we headed back to the car but I threw a few casts in the same places we had fished all morning. Bang the first nice smallmouth of the day. We got to the mouth of the river and we both landed a nice smallmouth. Then I landed a small brown trout. We got to the last pool at the bridge and I knew I would catch a trout. Bang a huge hit and I'm amazed to see a 24" roughly 5 lbs. brown on my line. Put up a great fight and I got it close to where I was standing which was in rocks with knee deep fast moving water. Then I maneuvered it to shallow water. It was a beauty. I grabbed the lure and shook it and the fish was released totally untouched and unharmed. Later Steve revealed he had snapped a pic of it as I got it to shallow water:

By far my nicest trout of the season.
We went back and fished the mouth of the river. We each caught another nice smallmouth. And so it went for the next 1.5 hours. Just great fishing. My last cast of the day in the pool where I caught the big brown produced a nice rainbow.
Heading back next week.
9/24-Pepacton reservoir with Steve. Hard to believe summer is over. Pepacton is our favorite Sept/Oct bass and trout location. I was concerned by the change in weather to cool and dry but it was a beautiful day with a strong SW wind to start.
We hiked out to our usual bass location. The first 2 hours were pretty dull. Steve caught a few small bass and my haul was a 5" perch and a 2.5" pig smallmouth.
It's amazing how much confidence in lure selection affects fishing success. I just could not find a lure I liked. The wind was knocking down my casts and I was taking chances wading into deep unknown water just to get a decent cast. We were close to stopping to eat so I changed my lure from the plugs I was casting to a #4 Vibrax silver fox. I was going to use that in the river as we headed back to the car but I threw a few casts in the same places we had fished all morning. Bang the first nice smallmouth of the day. We got to the mouth of the river and we both landed a nice smallmouth. Then I landed a small brown trout. We got to the last pool at the bridge and I knew I would catch a trout. Bang a huge hit and I'm amazed to see a 24" roughly 5 lbs. brown on my line. Put up a great fight and I got it close to where I was standing which was in rocks with knee deep fast moving water. Then I maneuvered it to shallow water. It was a beauty. I grabbed the lure and shook it and the fish was released totally untouched and unharmed. Later Steve revealed he had snapped a pic of it as I got it to shallow water:
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By far my nicest trout of the season.
We went back and fished the mouth of the river. We each caught another nice smallmouth. And so it went for the next 1.5 hours. Just great fishing. My last cast of the day in the pool where I caught the big brown produced a nice rainbow.
Heading back next week.
Nice ?
Good luck fishin.
#4 Vibrax silver fox.
Congrats on the big brown, I’d love to catch something like that.

I’ve been filling out my tackle box and I recently picked up Blue Fox Classic Vibrax lures in #3, #4, and #5. I’ve been wondering how deep a water they are good for, and what I might catch with them.

We are visiting our son at Binghamton and we are going to fish for a couple hours tomorrow am on the Susquehanna. I’ll probably give the Vibrax a try!

I’m always struggling with my lure selection, and timing. One of these days I get something to bite on a top water lure, like the whopper plopper.

My most successful lure to date has been crankbait crawfish. The Rebel Nest Robber I picked up recently has been very successful. Grabbed three of these guys ? in an hour with it last time out.