Fish Tales

Crappie tastes great when fried.
I was shocked when I caught that one out of my pond yesterday. There's a large pond behind my house (in a pasture) that does have crappies in it. They had to have been transplanted from there, either by a snapping turtle (we have one that travels from pond to pond), hawk, or an eagle. Either way I'm stoked to have them.
I was shocked when I caught that one out of my pond yesterday. There's a large pond behind my house (in a pasture) that does have crappies in it. They had to have been transplanted from there, either by a snapping turtle (we have one that travels from pond to pond), hawk, or an eagle. Either way I'm stoked to have them.
The most common way fish get added to other bodies of water is fish eggs on duck and geese feet.
The most common way fish get added to other bodies of water is fish eggs on duck and geese feet.
Yes, but I don't get too many ducks or geese on my pond. Most of those stay down at the much bigger pond below the house. But I do get them. I see that darn turtle more than anything, but I have seen ducks and geese. Who knows ?‍♂️
My neighbor was over with his brother doing some fishing
Nice! We used to hold the fish out in front closer to the camera ( appears bigger) as it helps with the stoke as the years go bye as that 14 incher morphs into a damn near 20 inches #fishstories
Yes a well held fish is the secret to impressive fish photos!