F Vail

A petty attack to boot. I forgot how sensitive the younger generation is. I’m not sure I even want to tell him that laser is isn’t spelled with a Z now.
Well, I laughed. But, I'm old as dirt.
The original coverage only credited you if there was a resort closure. Their only covid related closure was 3 days at Hunter back in January. I'm not sure if that even triggered a credit because it may be that the closure needs to last a certain period of time. It basically encouraged you to ignore Vermont's travel restrictions and there was never any enforcement to begin with.

And Benny, one thing I've learned about Vail is they are lazer focused on their stock price. So either someone miscalculated the effect of dropping the price, or they expect to make it up in volume, which will improve their revenue. Gotta thing long term.

You just bolstered my argument. Yes, corporations like Vail are lazer, or, laser, um, laser focused on their stock price, not their customers, their product, their finances, including debt. Because executive compensation is directly tied to that stock price, and large shareholders rule decision making. It's why stock buybacks have been so popular, rather than investing in capex or R&D. But, lo and behold, look what happened. He tanked the stock with a really dumb move to corner market share, and "investors" said, wtf, get your house in order, first, idiot. You owe a ton of money, and revenue is down big time, and he seems to be assuming that this pandemic is over and we'll all be back to partying in his resorts in no time. Maybe. I doubt it. But I think Vail sucks anyway, for many years now, so what do I know. It's so crowded at some of those hills, nobody, including me, goes there anymore.

My experiences after this season is to hate the company even more (northeast Epic pass holder) and continue my exploration of less crowded hills. I will be an Ikon pass user next year because I rolled it over, so, there's that, but I like their biz model better, although they've destroyed the SLC experience, to name just one place. My recent experience at Killington forces my hat off to Powdr, after not liking them for years. They really have their act together, operation wise, but I know nothing of their finances.
After experiencing the ASC bankruptcy at my favorite hill, and watching many hills go down for whatever reasons, I just want responsible management of whatever is left. Give me a nice skiing experience at a reasonable price, and I'll be your customer. Don't do stupid crap that not only harms your balance sheet, but your competitors, when they're forced to compete. You're not Uber, with an endless stream of cash you can just take out back and light on fire. It's snow farming, as Lazlo says. Think like a farmer.
Stowe.....now you know...5
Haha I think I did know that one, and forgot.

I think @Stu was trying to tell me it was cute that I was so clueless.

I can't imagine buying an Epik or Icon pass, ever really.
If you ski all over the place you need them. So many places I want to hit and a lot are on those.
If you ski all over the place you need them. So many places I want to hit and a lot are on those.
Clearly I don't.

Call me whatever. NY and VT is really enough for me.

I know this is nuts to most everyone, but I feel like when I'm retired I could get 60 good days a year, or 100 days if I want to mix in some average days.