F Vail

I’m not sure if it’s Welch or a bunch of mediocre C students misunderstanding his book but my company is full middle managers and executives who think they’re following his methods. It sucks
Well, that's sort of my point. He was regarded as an oracle when he was CEO, and even up to today, is still reverently referred to as the best evah. If you read the article, head hunters would poach middle to upper management for years from GE, considering their training the best. They established their own B school/internal training institute that other corporations have emulated, and the experience in those schools is highly respected on resumes. The cancer spread, and it's still out there. Meanwhile, GE imploded to nothing.

So, anyway, little corporate cube dweller at Vail who thought that that zip line did not need manufacturer prescribed maintenance was, most likely, educated in some B school that advocated cost cutting and shareholder value, quarter to quarter, and, whoops, one life lost. He'll probably get a raise if his numbers are good.
Was Jack the reason GE went from the worlds largest company (capitalization) to an also ran?
So, anyway, little corporate cube dweller at Vail who thought that that zip line did not need manufacturer prescribed maintenance was, most likely, educated in some B school that advocated cost cutting and shareholder value, quarter to quarter, and, whoops, one life lost. He'll probably get a raise if his numbers are good.
Dude got a service award from ASTM 15OCT21 for some reason.
Without going into a lot of detail; He built a house of cards and got out when he knew it was about to fall.
You know that Warren Buffett saying, that you know who's swimming naked when the tide goes out? '08 did that to GE.

Did they get bailout money? I wouldn't be surprised.
Dude got a service award from ASTM 15OCT21 for some reason.
George Carlin famously said, it's a big club, and you're not in it. No consequences for the elite when they fail.